I know it probably isn’t the most accurate of tests, but I have went to an Inbody body composition test twice during the last 2 years… April 2010 and April 2011. Same place, same machine, similar results except for the visceral fat levels which had suddenly raised a lot after my “crash” (onset of hypothyroidism-like symptoms). In the 2010 test my body fat % was 11,4% and on the 2011 test only 8,4% (too low I know, but I was on a strict candida diet). But what was weird was that my visceral fat levels had risen from +5 to +58,8! That’s a big raise considering the body fat percentage had actually came down. One would think that the body fat % would usually correlate with the visceral fat levels. I have been on a pretty strict low-carb diet since 2007 so the candida diet probably isn’t an answer to this mystery… here’s a scan of the 2 tests:
Any ideas?