Weird erection issue

I’m 21. I’ve been off propecia for about a year and my erections still aren’t back to full strength. But I’ve noticed that when I clench my legs together, my erection are way stronger, almost back to normal. The moment i move my legs apart, my erection goes soft. Has anyone else had this, and what do you think it means?

Try taking an alpha blocker like minipress. I think you will be surprised how much it will help.

I get a good morning erection that goes away the moment I stand. I have wondered if nerves and blood flow are being pinched by some kind of inflammation and that certain positions put more or less pinch on the nerves or veins.

I sometimes get morning erections also, but they go away almost instantly as I wake. It feels like my dick and my brain have somehow disconnected; I got morning boners and when I wake up during night I sometimes have a boner but NO sexual dreams. If I think about sex or watch porn I find it hard getting my dick up but then all of a sudden, without sexual thoughts, I might get a soft boner. It’s weird in so many ways… it also goes back and forth a lot and I haven’t figured out a link between my off and on days. It’s usually off (weak erection and hard to get up) but then all of a sudden I might be able to get a real hard boner one day.

how’s your estrogen to testosterone ratio?

I have no idea but my total testosterone levels are normal, it was 20 when normal range is 10-30. When I was on fin it was like 14.

hey lorre, I have the exact same thing that u with clinching the legs.

I have morning wood maybe 3 times a week, but also goes soft instantly upon standing up. If I keep laying on the bed I can keep it up for some time but there is no libido. It’s just a boner and I dont even want sex :confused:

before finasteride, when waking up with a boner, the boner only went soft after ~2minutes after standing up.

Obviously when you clench you trap the blood, so perhaps you’re your primary issue is trapping the blood? Have you been examined by a uro?