Weight lifting and which method best for T production

As far as I can work out the way to go with weight lifting in order to get more T is not to go until fail [per Huberman podcast] but do about six sets of ten [decreasing weight if need be] - with two minute breaks - whatever the specifics {i just want to focus on the principle], the idea being more time in work mode equates to more T production. Weight lifters tell me to go heavier, shorter breaks for muscle gain tho. I have a feeling that aiming for muscle gain might be the way to do this for the longterm rather than aiming for what has a better shortterm T result. Does anyone have any thoughts on this? Many thanks, Philip

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Hi Phillip, welcome to the forum.

As a new member of the forum, we ask that you fill out a member story. It’s very easy, go to create a new topic, as you did with this one, but choose “member stories” instead of general discussion and you’ll get a template to fill out which will help people to understand where you’re coming from, provide shared experience for others and build the data which is lacking around this condition.

As for your testosterone level boosting, by all means pursue it, but be aware that we have had people post on here that were body builders who tracked their testosterone levels before and after developing PFS. This is not a disease of low testosterone. If it was your doctor could prescribe some injections or gel and this forum wouldn’t need to exist. Or, given that you are far from the first person to attempt to solve this by going to the gym, we would by now have an exercise routine to follow.

Worth noting, additionally that some people worsen after boosting their testosterone level.

Sorry to not have the answer you were looking for, but unfortunately, I think it’s safe to say that working out is not the answer to this problem.


I know all that. Just because I am new here doesnt mean am new to the topic. Working out does help, nobody disputes that. My question was about best method. No worries.

Sure as hell doesn’t help me.

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Unfortunately, no, it doesn’t help everyone and people do dispute it.

Perhaps if you can make a member story, you’ll be able to give some context so people have an idea of how to interact with you.

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I would use Raloxifene, it treats gyno and prevents it, while raising LH and FSH as well.

Besides that, good sleep and enough healthy food and resistance training are important too.

EDIT: You could also try icing the testicles 2-3 times a day if you work from home to raise test production naturally.