We have the right to vent about our pain! Only 100% recovery by protocols and hormones and how good I feel with PFS stories are exactly that what pharma, FDA and medical mainstream wants to here about us!

I frequently post about my horrible feeling with this condition and how it destroyes my life and my body more day after day. I never force anyone to read my posts. But after all many members here don’t feel like very much. So some only want to vent, to share their pain. Hoping to get some loving answers.

But more and more people here and in other forums only want to here success stories.

On the one hand it gives some hope on the other hand for all the media, pharma and medical mainstream lurkers it seems the truth that PFS isn’t anymore than a kind of depression in the head of some oversensible young guys.

That’s not true. PFS is an horrible, life changing and for many deadly disease. And them who suffer so much have the right to write about their suffering and how bad they feel this day.


What the hell else can we do. After running through all the stages of grief there’s just venting and waiting.


El 99% recoverys here are fake even more these mention herbs and suplement protocol

Yeah, people want hope.

The problem is that the hope most want is that they’ll wake in the morning and this was all a bad dream. Or that despite a decade of experiments, taking a vitamin / herb / whatever will fix everything. And that’s completely understandable.

The thing I want is a more realistic future. This is where we are, this is how we get out of it.


By all means post that you are having a bad day. This is a support forum. We are all with you. We are all on your side. But once you’ve done that a few times, please consider taking a look at the projects and appeals for help that the staff are trying to get off the ground. Have you done the basic reporting of your symptoms, etc. Etc.

Those things might mean that in time you will have a treatment rather than feel that the only action you can take is venting on a forum.

The companies selling these drugs do not care at all if you vent here. This place is very easy to ignore.

I’m just trying to offer a third option where option 1. Is vent on the forum and option 2 is hope that a supplement that didn’t work for years might work this time around.


I do what I can. I donated already. I’m going to donate monthly.

All the recoveries are not proof. If there would be one substance, one hormone therapy wich really works, it works for all. But nothing over two decades.

So we entirety suicidal and depressed part of the community needs to support each other. Someone bedridden, young and hopeless for example wants to shaut his feelings out. Why not. Who don’t want to read it don’t read it.

Go to the recovery chats and there out of the commercial chats of herb resellers you’ll find there they are assaulting each other machine gun like with hormon treatments, herbs, dangerous medications, cures that give you back a 12 inch penis and feel like god,

but in the battle breaks (fire stopps) they all vent about their real feelings and their personal pain with this

it is as it is

horrible condition.

After all a very good conversation without limits.

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What’s the fire stopps?

What’s the fire stopps?

battle breaks

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Please note, I was not calling you or anyone out.

As someone who got back to a good livable level after a serious crash years ago, Id say the best thing to do is avoiding chasing a 100 oercent recovery, which happens very rarely and what does it even mean?

I didn’t get greedy chasing it, but took long term baseline for granted and was lax with what I put in my body (5arl) and lax with coming om here to check as Id been away too long and to be frank found it a bit too morbid.

Sure if Id come back a year ago and asked wtf was happening someone like Greek would have filled me in, but hey ho

I want to get back to the old me. Fuck living in this condition. I won’t settle for anything less than being who I was before

75 % was good, some would rate it higher.

great sleep, no fatigue, only a bit of loss of drive, low libido, less muscly. Going out to gigs and clubs. I’d grab your arm off for that again.