We can do something

I was reading the topic of the Sigulair Victim, and an idea just ran into my mind.
We can use this to our advantage. We could create an organization, i first thought of bumper stickers, but we could make from a website to press releases.

The idea is to create something like: friendsagainstMERCK.org

On this website we would express our concern with the lack of transparency and truth regarding the real risks of its medications. We could post links to news that have been posted on media on the VIOXX case, the Singulair case, and Propecia.

If we choose to talk about all drugs instead of only propecia, it is easier to go public about this. We know this is very real, and we know it is not in our minds, so why should we stop? No matter what anybody says, in my opinion PROPECIA has a suicidal risk, just as Singulair might have.

idea of a bumper sticker / t-shirt:

"if you took or are taking VIOXX, SINGULAIR OR PROPECIA, be careful.
Read real stories at: friendsagainstMERCK.org