Like many I pass far too much urine. This particular side landed approx 7 years ago and was managed via increased intake. I’ve been fighting to hold on to weight and muscle to no avail and seemed to have plateaud at a light 72kg. None of my clothes fit from 1 year age. The same thing happened when the atrophy hit a year prior to that when I dropped a few shirt sizes overnight. So most of the physicals seemed to have hit me in a two big bang’s. Lately my weight has been changing by 4 kg daily going up and down between 70 and 74 kg for no reason. I’ve put it down to the excessive urination. I was in the scales yesterday and was 73kg. I’ve been pissing even more and have dropped to 67kg in 24 hours. I have no water retention and find this particularly worrying. Its as though my tissues are heamoraghing water I’m losing so much. If this does not stop this could be the start of the end for me. I don’t have thirst because the hormone is fine I guess it’s another jolt to the receptors what little function I had left. Fuck Ive known for a long time that my body could not sustain what was being inflicted upon it.
I’m the opposite…Water ballon…I thought it might be vassopressin causing the fluid gain but I could never get it tested.
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Prior to the loss I couldn’t lose weight no matter what this is one seriously fucked disease
Yes my suffering has reached a point of unbearable agony…Gordon couldn’t even test vassopressin i asked him about it.
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Sorry to hear about that man this is hell. Its at a different level once the receptors are fucked. I don’t know how any of us in this group will get out of this. I’ll say a prayer for you tonight my friend
Im sure I had mine tested years ago and it was normal like everything