Warning about combining Minocycline with NSI-189

As the topic is suggesting…I want to warn about combining those two…My idea was to get the neurogenesis going by suppressing the microglia after giving a potent stimulus for the young neurons…
I took NSI 189 for 2 weeks, and i was reluctant to say this but i really thought that something was happening…I know for sure that my Tinnitus was getting lower in volume and i thought im going in the right direction, and then i decided to add minocycline to the mix (Big mistake)…Within 2 days, my baseline numbness got from 50-60% to 100% (Im not talking about genitals, but whole body numbness)…I havent taken one single day off from work even when i crashed, but this combination forced me to call off work today…I cant say for sure if it was the minocycline (most probably), the NSI 189 or the combination of two…Damn i shouldn’t have mixed becuz its impossible to tell now :(…
Anyway wish me luck for my next experiment :smiley:

Bro don’t take a nothing… You don’t o know pfs. Why take a more meds and after stay bad?

My death sentence was already signed when i first got PFS…Im not sitting around doing nothing while i see my life slipping away from me…We are young now and we have some friends left, but in 10 years when everyone is married, and have a family of their own, while im still in the same status as now…Id rather be dead and remembered as a young guy who was a victim of the Pharma industry rather than be an old alone guy with dysfunctional sexual organ and bitter for life.