Voice - back from Dr Shippen, updates

You are definitely right that a lot of men do end up taking the drug when it is completely unnecessary. However given that you suffer from PFS, it is possible that the response of the drug halted or slowed your hair loss which would have progressed considerably without it.

I was definitely shedding hair at the time I took the medication and in the past couple of years my hair loss is basically unnoticeable.

Who has pfs believes to everything is supposed to fix him, even absurdities like taking tons of nystatin or pulling his dick and even if he knows that will not help it he does it all the same. I pulled my dick for not more than 10 days in january, i ran across penis enlargement and thought it could help me with shrinkage. Since then i saw my improvements stopped and probably i even got worse, my best days in the last 20 months were few days before my penis enlargement folly. Immediately after p. e. i noticed a white spot just under my glans, well spot is not the apt word, it seems to me that blood is not present in that point, the white spot is to my mind a point under my glans with no blood . I’m 99% sure pulling my dick and glans created that “spot”. In addition then my libido got incredibly low and has never returned back and my testosterone now is very low, never been so low since i’ve been having pfs. Assuming that p.e. damaged my dorsal nerve of the penis (i think it is the only damage it can do) now my question is can a damaged nerve in my penis explain the “spot” under my glans like no blood flow there, lack of libido and low testosterone? Or it can be just a coincidence, p.e. did nothing and i’m just experiencing a different form of pfs?

go for ultrasound, white spot might be calcification.

my erections have gotten stronger, partly because i am doing kegel exercises. I have to say though my penis feels even less sensitive then before i am not sure if i will continue doing pudendal nerve therapy ( basically stand all day or sit on a pillow with out doing anything to physical) I have been doing that therapy for almost a 9 months now and i feel like i am just getting worse, maybe because exercise is good for are hormones.


You mention that even before finasterid you thought that you should feel a lot more during a blowjob. Is there any chance that you are circumcised? In the US a lot of men get circumcised and circumcision can cause a decrease in sexual pleasure. There is a whole community dealing with this topic on the Internet. I am circumcised, too, and I had the very same experience before Fin.

Obviously, this only concerns a fraction of your problems. But you might want to check that out.

I am not circumcised.

Voice how has your depression been since stopping Propecia, did it last for awhile after stopping. I seem to have more of the mental symptoms than sexual after stopping

Just got my testosterone and DHT tested. I figure it would be a good idea to test it again to see if maybe there has been a decline. I really wanted to do the 12 hour test taking multiple blood samples over a 12 hour period, but i had to settle for them just taking one sample before 10am. I have not gotten the letter in the mail with the specific details on levels. I only talked to the lady on the phone she said that my DHT is normal and that my total testosterone: 523 (240 - 950 ng/DL) is normal. So the last time i was tested was 4 years ago, it does not seem like a significant drop in my opinion.

hey voice, this is good to hear. Now we “just” need to teach your cells to respond again to DHT.

Hey, voice! How are you doing now?

Not much has changed with my story besides I having a better mood I’ve just been living my life the best I can and not letting PFS run my life. It’s been 13 years with PFS. My erections are decent, my libido is doing pretty well but my orgasms still suck, but I enjoy parts of sex still and I try to stay positive my main advise is don’t obsess over PFS it will just give you higher anxiety.

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As far as the lawsuit goes I have been pretty pissed off. I signed a release to join the settlement but they would not inform me of the amount I would be settling for when they told me the amount I wanted to reject the settlement and keep fighting but there was a no appeal process in my release I signed and I’m stuck with the low settlement. Of course suing my lawyers for breach of duty could be a possibility.

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We sound very similar in terms of symptoms @voice. Very weak to nonexistent orgasms are my only symptom that hasn’t improved.

That’s terrible that lawyers only take PFS cases as class action lawsuits

I’m sorry for asking such a “bad taste” question . I have always wanted to know.

When you say a low amount are we taking less then 100 grand ?

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Like 4 grand

First off before I vent over this I’m sorry for every thing you have gone through

But that pisses me off!!! Like really bad

The lawyers are literally selling you out in exchange for the settlement from Merk that fills their pockets only through the class action settlement. I wouldn’t even be surprised if there is a back room deal worked out where Merks lawyers get your former attorney to agree to not bring anymore PFS lawsuits on behalf of additional PFS victims in exchange for the easy settlement that only your former lawyer benefits from. This is speculative. But it’s also smart for them. It does seem like the lawsuits in the US against Merk have been limited in spite of the relatively large amount of people who have suffered greatly.

If I ever recover and can now invest my time and energy into something else I’m going to law school so I can bring as many non class action single contingency fee cases as possibly against Merk. That’s what it will take. A loan wolf small nobody firm who does not care about money or anything other then getting cases all the way to trial.

Have you ever heard of anyone trying
Oxytocin for poor orgasm ?

I searched the forum to see how many people have tried it. It looks under explored

I have also heard before that in PFS poor orgasm may be related to problem with noradrenaline. Don’t know how tested of a theory this is though

I have bigger fishes to fry right now with a severe insomnia relapse but once I figure out how to beat this insomnia I may explore both of these paths as possibly ways to beat the poor orgasm

It apparently was on the small print that I would except the deal because my supposed lawyer just took the deal without my consent. I think it’s a good idea to pursue law and make there life hell. I think we all have different talents we can use I wrote a play but now I’m trying to write a book it’s a fiction story that is based off of a drug company. If I get it published I will mention Merck and what they did to me. It’s a long shot but if enough of us keep using are talents we can chip away at the giant known as Merck


Unfortunately, this is just how the system works. Everything regarding PFS is such a complicated situation that institutions in mainstream western society don’t really know how to deal with us. The FDA regulatory process is not properly designed to handle rare side effects, esp with the way clinical trials are conducted. PFS is a misunderstood connection and I believe we need a new scientific paradigm to develop a proper understanding for it, and the legal system has an outdated set of rules for proving causality that made it almost impossible for us to win.

We’re kind of like a small group of societal orphans that nobody knows what to do with so all systems fail us. It’s a horrible situation to be in for us, but I’ve committed to accepting that as a fact and pulling myself up by my bootstraps and returning to life as normal as best I can. In the two years since I decided to do that, my outlook on life is many times better. It will still be much harder for me than many, but its the best possible option I decided that I had once I exhausted all options I had to deal with this PFS thing in the way that I thought I was supposed to be able to.

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I’ve long wondered about this myself. I imagine oxytocin is badly dysregulated in PFS patients. If not as a primary effect of PFS, but as a result of the reduced trust in everything and everyone as a result of what has happened to us.

My hunch is that exogenous supplementation may possibly help, but wouldn’t be the same as boosting endogenous production by figuring out ways to learn to trust things again through commitment of will. Strengthen your social standing and skills can absolutely affect your hormone production, reduce stress etc. which may very well have a positive impact on PFS.

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