Vivid dreams and nightmares after quitting propecia

Hey guys, since I quit Finasteride i have so much vivid dreams and really bad nights.

Since 2 years right now…

I saw exactly same symptoms than mines in a member post, his name is Mcbould. But it was posted in 2019… :frowning:

Do you know if it’s possible to directly contact him to have some advices ? Is it possible here to contact directly a member ?

Thanks very much guys ! Have a great evening

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Hey man - you can DM me, but you’ll see lots of people have Vivid dreams on this forum. I think for me it’s more of a lack of “deep sleep” causing me to sort of be in a state of “half consciousness”. Anyways, this got better with time and my sleep improved, but still not great. Doesn’t really bother me any nore

I had this symptom, but it has improved along the same path that my sleep improved. When my sleep disturbances were at peak I was having dreams that were almost like drug trips (or at least what I would imagine drug trips are like). Extremely vivid dreams that would qualify as experiences on their own. Before finasteride I would RARELY dream (or at least would rarely remember them). Now my dreams are what I would consider normal and I’m even going back into dreamless sleep fairly often as well.

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Thanks for your answer. How much time did you have to wait until you go back to sleep good ?

At around 12 months I was sleeping 4-5 hours a night I think but was still having significant disturbances. The vivid dreams I think were lessening by this point. My sleep has only recently gone back to mostly normal in the past month or two. It’s been about 26 months post-fin.