1- Few days back I lowered my vitamin D level (I have done this in the past too). within 4 days I was back to square one with usual symptoms like no appetite, fatigue, headache, muscle pain, dry skin etc.
2- I noticed I have lost body temperature control. I used to think I have lower body temperature but now discovered that in hot weather I am also hotter than normal people.
3. Whenever I maintain my D3 level my symptoms improve. I have done so many blood tests which all show my LH, FSH, TSH, and total T are directly proportional to D3 level. With high level of Vit D3 values of LH, FSH and total T etc also become normal.
These above three points , point to hypothalamus function. Further search show Vitamin D3 Regulation of the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Gonadal Axis
Nest Steps:
I am going to find why my (our) vitamin D is lower. In my case it is totally shut down, not low.