Vitamin D3 Regulation of the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Gonadal Axis

1- Few days back I lowered my vitamin D level (I have done this in the past too). within 4 days I was back to square one with usual symptoms like no appetite, fatigue, headache, muscle pain, dry skin etc.

2- I noticed I have lost body temperature control. I used to think I have lower body temperature but now discovered that in hot weather I am also hotter than normal people.
3. Whenever I maintain my D3 level my symptoms improve. I have done so many blood tests which all show my LH, FSH, TSH, and total T are directly proportional to D3 level. With high level of Vit D3 values of LH, FSH and total T etc also become normal.
These above three points , point to hypothalamus function. Further search show Vitamin D3 Regulation of the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Gonadal Axis>

Nest Steps:
I am going to find why my (our) vitamin D is lower. In my case it is totally shut down, not low.


I sometimes also suspect it might be a dysfunction of the hypothalamus. how much do you take?

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I want to see anyone on this forum with full PFS symptoms (sleep issues, bone loss, muscle loss, low LH, FSH etc) yet with normal level of vitamin D. I think this is impossible.
From the link above Data suggest that vitamin D3 deficiency adversely affects hypothalamic- pituitary physiology.

The big question is why our Vit D is low.
What I have found so far
1- Lyme disease patients are very similar to use and have low Vitamin D.
2-Accutan sufferers have low vitamin D
3- Chronic infection causes low vitaminD level. My CRP has been very high. High CRP isa indicator of infection. So is there a possibility while on Fin/SP we have got a virus /bacteria active, which otherwise is dormant and considered normal ?
Please feel free to criticize my theory . That is how we will learn.

5000 to 6000 IU ( 5 to 6 tabs) a day. But sometimes more, up to 10 tabs a day.

I have all of this symptoms. I don’t know if I have an infection and/or Lyme, but I have low D.

got a 300k IU muscular injection of D after the panels. I crashed tbh, but came back to baseline (I think so)

I never tried injection. I always use D3 in divided doses. Some times you feel tired a little bit after the vitD3 but then you feel better and stronger and your muscles and bone pain disappears. I have been on it since 2010 and cannot live without it.

i see, im gonna try starting supplementing it, i did it some times but not consistently.

another thing that im thinking about is trying the joekool’s protocol, which involved HCG and vitD. never saw anyone replicating it with success, but appearently the ones who tried only did the HCG part without the vitamin, so, lets see how it goes. Im 3.5y in and tired of all this shitshow honestly, cant imagine going past 10 years.