Vitamin A joins endocrine disruption

But its also involved in alot more then just hormonal systems.
Im looking at one possible scenario that they mention here.

Retinoid system perturbations

Adverse Outcome Pathways (AOPs)

To date, identified AOP involving the retinoic acid signalling mainly concern congenital anomalies, such as neural tube and axial defects, and cleft palate, These AOPs indicate that inappropriate activation of RAR (mediating nuclear receptor response to retinoic acid), as well as inhibition of CYP 26 (involved in degrading retinoic acid) or Raldh (involved in synthesising retinoic acid from its precursor retinal) can alter the cellular metabolism and/or spatiotemporal distribution of retinoic acid, which in turn can result in irreversible developmental effects.

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Great find. Focusing on resensitizing the RARs could be a way to “reverse” the damage but I’m not sure. I’ve been trying a low vitamin A diet to try this out and I’m only about a month in and have already seen some results, not sure whether it was due to my fasting, sprinting, or diet.