Vision is almost normal, logic and memory are still poor

Hello, friends. I’d like to ask a question.
Since the collapse in late July, I have been feeling blurred vision, strong temple and head pressure, accompanied by a sharp decline in cognitive ability. In the last month, my vision has become clearer and clearer, and my pain in the temple has been greatly relieved. However, my difficulty in finding words and logic confusion and The mind lacks a sense of existence have not improved. there is a strange sense of oppression on my forehead and head top know(one month before, I can’t feel my forehead). Is this a sign of the elimination of the fog?


Hey pal, really happy to hear your vision has improved and head pain lessened. FWIW, I got hit in April. My vision is still terrible. However, I would say I went from having trouble spelling my name to 90% cognitive abilities. Hope this helps and maybe we just add things back in different orders. My best.


it took me almost two years for my brain fog to go away, and about the same time for my vision to get better. however i can’t stand having no interests and drive in life anymore


It recovered to 90% in seven months. It’s really nice. You gave me great encouragement! But why are your eyesight still bad? Is it an unreal feeling?
I remember more than a month ago, I felt that the whole world was foggy, a kind of unspeakable falsehood and fuzziness.

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Thank you, my friend. Two years must be very difficult, so according to your experience, brain fog may improve without the change of vision, or with the improvement of vision. Your answer is very helpful to me. You lack motivation and interest, which is really very bad, because I do the same, But I have made some progress over the past three months. I began to make more efforts, and many things are no longer forced to do. I am trying to understand what happened to us and try to ask for help


Glad to hear it’s encouraging, my friend :slight_smile: I have no idea why my eyesight is still bad or why my Tinnitus, which went away after 4 months, is suddenly back. BTW, I had incredible vision before. Now, I’m 20/30 and definitely need glasses to drive. My worst eyesight symptoms are light sensitivity and blurriness. Colors tend to bleed as well. Sometimes, it feels unreal like I’m high or playing a video game. Your description of the foggy unspeakable falsehood fuzziness is incredibly apt. Thank you for articulating it so eloquently! My head and more accurately face pain also went away after 4 months, but now it’s back too. None of this makes sense. I also felt like I lost some hearing in the first several months, but until my Tinnitus came back, I’d say I recovered my hearing 100%. I know for certain as I’m an audiophile lol and was not hearing hi-hats/cymbals and also lower bass tones. My range was temporarily reduced.

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:tired_face: :tired_face: :tired_face: It seems that the road of recovery is really very difficult. I hope we can embark on a practical and uninterrupted road of recovery


it was quite nice when i first noticed my vision was getting better, it made me very hopeful that everything else was going to correct. however that hasn’t been the case yet. it’s so strange all of the symptoms we have. and i guarantee there is even more that we don’t realize we have. hopefully these studies can find the source of the issues. it would be incredible to actually notice how different normalcy would be after being in this state for so long