Very significant findings regarding PFS and the 5ar enzyme

Myself and one other member here have skyped with Dr. Melcangi of the University of Milan. Dr. Melcangi has made significant discoveries since his last manuscript was submitted and found evidence of functional changes (in addition to altered neurosteroid levels, which all participants have) including very significant findings regarding the 5ar enzyme in at least 50% of the participants. These discoveries have to be further analyzed and also correlated to the participants who apparently don’t have them. It is still too early to cheer but Dr. Melcangi may well have found the root cause of this condition.

In order to allow Dr. Melcangi to expedite his research as well as its scope so that he finishes much faster than would otherwise be possible, we need to raise money. Dr. Melcangi indicated the money will go towards setting up an experimental model of PFS which will permit exploring in detail what happens in the nervous system on several molecular targets, including methylation of 5alpha reductase, alteration of neurotransmitter pathways etc. These molecular changes will be related to depression/anxiety symptomatology and neuroactive steroid synthesis.

This fund-raising effort is necessary because the Foundation has to decide where to allocate its funds and according to the Foundation Melcangi is not at the top of their list.

We are looking for 100 people willing to donate at least 200 USD each, however donations in excess of 100 USD will be accepted.

For some of you, the amount requested may be a burden, but it pales in comparison to suffering with PFS.

Once we have reached our goal, I will contact the Foundation to let them know that we would like to collectively donate and have the funds directed to Dr. Melcangi’s lab.

All those willing to donate, please indicate the amount.


I am willing to donate $100 via the foundation, for this research.

Anyone else?

Come on guys … this could be our best chance to get out of this mess.

I’m willing to donate $200 if the foundation endorses this research.

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Not sure how to edit my original post but I wanted to add the following.

The pledges have started a few days ago on SolvePFS and I thought I would post here as well.

Since I cannot edit my original post here I will add you both to the tally of people willing to donate should the Foundation comply with our wish to have the money allocated to Melcangi’s lab

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I would be willing to donate $100 if the foundation endorses the research.

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Same here.

I have pledged to this ($300). I believe this is of the utmost importance.

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Did this ever get approved? If not, how close to the funding target has it reached and did the foundation endorse it?


Yes, it was funded via donations to the foundation. I would expect publication before the end of the year if Melcangi’s estimates were accurate.


Didn’t expect that, that’s fantastic news.

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Good news. This is outstanding work - KEEP IT UP BIG TIME. WE CAN FIX THIS.

Anyone confirm the study this funding became? This one?

Yes, that’s the one.

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Any indication yet what the study is expected to reveal ?

Well that’s top news.

It also shows that simple action on here – small amounts of funding by users – can yield direct research into the problem. Clear lesson for us all. Simple, co-ordinated action is powerful.

Pumped to see the finished paper when Melcangi releases.

If there’s insights or useful stuff in there – he will become Roberto “the Magic Man” Melcangi.


Quick question do you believe we may have a cure soon? Any idea when his studies will be published?

i doubt melcangi will be aple to synthesize 5ar2 enzymes from scratch

So you think no cure?

Insights are the start. This is a game of patience and funding.