Hi all,
I am creating this thread to see if anyone is in my situation or any idea what I should do.
Recently I had some blood tests which were not too good. They didn’t include vitamin D.
I decided a couple of weeks ago to test my vitamin D myself via a private test service.
The blood test came back 13.37 Ng/ml
The blood test report advised for me to start supplementing Vitamin D
I started with a low dose, day one 1000iu, same day two, day three 2000 and day four 3000 iu
I got a bad reaction, my already stiff neck has got worse, pain in lower and upper back and left knee. I have now discontinued it.
My calcium levels are normal range.
When I am in the sun I feel I get a vitamin D hit and get no negative sides.
In fact the sun makes my symptoms and my well being so much better.
What can I do to try make my body absorb it better?
I live in Ireland and we really only get warm sunshine May to August
I am thinking it might be a receptor issue as last Christmas I took Boron small dose for four days and got really bad thoracic back pain, time and chiropractic treatment resolved it
One other thing, my breakfast is always 1 and 1/2 portion of Bran flakes and actimel drink which is 85% of Vitamin D RDA and I probably get more rest of the day with diet.