Hey Guys,
Does anybody have this happen to them… I’m not sure if this happened when I crashed or what as I didn’t have a set crash, it was more just slowly gradually downhill. I noticed that the veins in my eyes started to bulge out more and became more noticeable. They got really, really red, like to the point where my eyes were 70% all red, and then they got better but a lot of the red veins still persist.
What really puzzles me though is every time I masturbate these veins grow inflammed and become more noticeable (thicker). I also get pockets of red marks the size of baseballs all over my upper torso like shoulders and chest area. Any body got a clue as to WTF could be going on with this??? It almost looks like more blood is flowing to these areas as I masturbate…but why???
Anybody have similar issues?