Veins in Eyes

Hey Guys,
Does anybody have this happen to them… I’m not sure if this happened when I crashed or what as I didn’t have a set crash, it was more just slowly gradually downhill. I noticed that the veins in my eyes started to bulge out more and became more noticeable. They got really, really red, like to the point where my eyes were 70% all red, and then they got better but a lot of the red veins still persist.

What really puzzles me though is every time I masturbate these veins grow inflammed and become more noticeable (thicker). I also get pockets of red marks the size of baseballs all over my upper torso like shoulders and chest area. Any body got a clue as to WTF could be going on with this??? It almost looks like more blood is flowing to these areas as I masturbate…but why???

Anybody have similar issues?

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My eyes are quite often blood shot.

Not sure but I’m betting it’s due to a loss of underlying muscle or fatty tissue structure. My eyes are very blood shot now too, always dry and red.

Are your eyes dry?

Yeah, my eyes were really blood-shot and they were a bit dry. It appeared as if they became red from being dry, but this is definitely not the case. Once I got off of Propecia, the dryness improved, but it was still just as red.

The main method I used to gauge dryness was how easy/hard it was for me to remove my eye-contacts. Dry eyes makes it a lot harder to remove contacts as they stick to your eyeballs… so annoying.

Sometimes in the mornings my eyes will tear up alot for no reason. Dont know if its related but it never happened before Fin.

Regarding dry eyes…


If your eyes are getting this dry than you are doing damage to them by wearing contacts. I had to stop wearing them when I was on fin because my eyes got so dry I couldn’t put them in anymore.

If you are using PDE-5 inhibitors, like viagra, they get also mess up your eyes. My left eye used to get bloodshot for about a day every time I used it. Doesn’t do it anymore, so something has changed there, hopefully for the better.