Using Synthetic Anabolic Steroids as a means of treatment.

If our bodies no longer react in the way they should to T/DHT then prehaps one treatment option should be using one of the other steroids?

It seems that one guy who used a synthetic steroid, ScaredMD, recovered (he used Turinabol?)

I’m no expert, of course, but the synthetic steroids have different compositions and different ways of action on the androgen receptor. They then create different effects upon the cells. Prehaps they can be used to re-activating the correct gene ‘expression’ in us?

I hope you get the jist of what I am trying to say here!

this would be suggested as outlined in the paper that MEW uploaded for those who are androgen insensitive. however there is no concrete proof of that. Awor and others would also suggest that androgens make our situation worse.

I honestly think the wohle story of ScaredMD is fake.If I were him I would be shouting from my rooftop with all of my strength " Listen peple! I am cured I am heathy again".
this shit is not an easy thing to fix. I don’t know about other but myself is worse than a 5 year old boy. Honestly at the age of 5 I was far better than what I am now.


Why would the ScaredMD story be fake? He wasnt trying to sell anthing? Anyway, other people have made recoveries but dont post much.

I’m just putting an idea forward, as there is little concrete evidence of anything. To me it seems like this would be the remaining tool to effect the activity of gene activation in response to hormones. I suppose the only way to tell would be for someone else to use a steroid other than T or DHT.

This talk of recoveries being “fake” is just nonsense IMO…

If you want people to not take this website seriously, then thats a good way to go about it.