Using Cialis, Viagra

Hello Baz,
what do you mean when you say that ‘the more you take the worst the side effects become’ ?..
Thank you!

The side effects from viagra get worse for me the higher the dose I take the more prominent the blocked nose becomes the longer my eyes stay bloodshot and the headaches become more frequent as in every other time i take it.
Red face and neck at 100mg

Does the benefits go away after quit? Im 20 years old and want to try cialis for my hourglass penis shape (i read that cialis usage can cure peyronie’s like diseases)

But i also heard cialis can cause prolonged erection which can only be solved at hospital and heard some vision damage cases. Im scared to try this, i want to use it daily for 2 weeks at low dose to see what happens to my erections, morning wood quality etc. If there isn’t any sustainable benefits, i don’t want to try it.

I saw some penis tissue (doppler tests) damage issues here, and concerned about myself, penis needs regular erections to stay healthy… and im not so sure if i get them enough…

Well we are all here because of prescription drug side effects and so it’s difficult to advise and I can understand that your cautious. From what I read most of the side affects from Viagra and Cialis tend to affect older people who have pre existing conditions. There are a lot of people taking these drugs and I think they are generally well tolerated. Personally I’ve had fairly mild side affects with the drugs, flushing of the face, blocked nose and headaches. The drugs have given me a sex life again and so i am very grateful for them. Daily Cialis is normally taken at 5mgs or 2.5 mgs and so it might be best starting with that and see how you react. The standard dose is 10mgs, which lasts 48 to 72 hours. Maybe you could try Viagra first as that only lasts in your system for 4 hours. I take 50mgs but you could try a low dose of 25mgs.


Thanks! Im just scared about the eye and visiom problems and possibility of priapism. Thats all actually. Searched bit and saw that eye problems occured because pre-existing conditions…

This has been discussed many times, see also

That’s totally understandable. These days I’m scared to take even a paracetamol. Its always best to research first. It’s entirely up to you but I would start with a low dose if you try. You could maybe try pomegranate juice first, it’s natural viagra but not as affective as the actual drug. Maybe see how that affects you first.

Hey Baz. Can i ask you if you succeded in your life having a partner, family, children?..
How old are you?
Thank you!

@Andrea123 I been trying to get in touch with baz we were talking thru PM he was on trt & seemed to be doing well making improvements. He told me if it wasnt for viagra etc he wouldn’t be able to have sex that was of course before the trt though

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Thank you!

I’m going to guess that @Baz44uk is 44?

Care to update us all, Baz?

This subject has been discussed many times. For example:

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Cialis does not improve my erections, but it makes me feel less castrated in limp state. I highly recommend trying 2.5mg daily. I, too, read many times that it can help prevent or reverse fibrosis. If it does help with your erections, it can take the pressure off of you.

Don’t try more than 2.5mg at first. It can make you feel hot and cause vision problems, which sucks to be stuck with for a day.

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Have you ever experienced vision problems?? Or heard anyone near to you that experienced?? How really common is that, im scared to try my generic bottle.

Yes I actually have an extremely rare eye disease that is affected by pressure in the eye and I notice worse vision while on 10mg and maybe 5mg. On 2.5mg it seems fine.

Even more reason to start with a small dose before trying more. Taking 2.5mg one time is very unlikely to cause problems if you have never had any, I am sure. :slight_smile:

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I took 10mg generic Ciallis on Saturday. It worked pretty well, 48 hours later I’ve had a surge in libido and strong urge to masturbate haha. It’s strange as it’s only supposed to last 36 hours, but definitely seems to help me for longer.

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It makes me super depressed even people around me asks about what happened to me.
I cannot explain completely but i can say that i feel extremely down for two days.
Also it causes lower back pain some times it hits hard.
Yet with it i can have normal sex life.

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It has the same effect on me, where are you getting your cialis from?

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Cialis is a mild aromatase inhibitor there were some post about research on this matter.
They say long term effectiveness of cialis is came form mild ai inhibition.

That’s good to hear that it’s having a similar affect for you. I use Lloyd’s pharmacy online. I buy generic version.