Using anti-depressants to combat brain fog?


A lot of the symptoms normally associated with depression are very similar to what people suffering from brain fog caused by the Post Finasteride Syndrome (PFS) experience. (E.g. Feeling fatigued, sluggish, and physically drained. Having trouble focusing, making decisions, or remembering things. No interest in former hobbies, pastimes, social activities, or sex. Lost ability to feel joy and pleasure.)

Normally the success rate for anti-depressants (ADs) are said to be around 30-60% depending on what type of AD medication is used. So if the brain fog caused by PFS is acting by the same mechanisms as normal depression then there should be a good chance of getting helped by ADs.

Therefore I just wonder if anyone successfully have used anti-depressants to combat brain fog caused by the PFS?


Been there, done that
Had a urologist refer me to a shrink
And not just any shrink, but one who specialized in sexual dysfunction. Not only didn’t all the antidepressants he prescribed help, they made me far far worse
IMO nothing good can come of this

If you absolutely insist on using anti depressants then you are best off using Bupropion (Wellbutrin) which has a primary pharmacological function of norepinephrine-dopamine reuptake inhibition. Some doctors prescribe it for men with a low sex drive. Otherwise, I wouldn’t go near any anti depressants.

I do not agree with use of anti-depressants whatsoever, considering SSRIs are notorious for causing sexual dysfunction and in some cases, persistent sexual dysfunction:

Not only that, by introducing another drug into the equation, you now have no evidence as to whether Finasteride or the SSRI caused your issues. Not good from a legal or medical/treatment perspective.

Try exercise, diet improvements, and Omega 3s (fish oil) instead to alleviate depression.

Neurobehavioral Aspects of. Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Possible Mechanisms and. Therapeutic Value in Major Depression.

Don’t go near them - citalopram, although it took the edge off for a while, made things worse long term.

Ok, does this mean of those on this forum that have tried ADs, none have had success in combatting brain fog? Is that really true?

If so, that should mean that the brain fog caused by PFS does not work by the same mechanisms as normal depression (i.e. only the symptoms are the same/similar). Do you agree?

I’ve been on the forum for a long time and I have never seen one single case of antidepressants helping someone. Not one single case. In fact I’ve seen just the opposite, ADs making people far more sick, making them feel worse and setting them far back in the recovery process. If you don’t believe it and want to find out for yourself you can go ahead and try taking some of these medications but I think you are making a very big mistake

“Brain fog” and depression is due to the drug’s neurosteroid inhibition of allopregnanolone. This is a well known, documented side effect of this mechanism of action.

It obviously takes time for the brain to try and repair itself from these effects. Personally it took 1-2 years before mental sides really began to improve and mental clarity began to come back somewhat.

Ok, but there are lots of people who suffer from brain fog as part of the PFS, i.e. for many people the brain fog is persistent and doesn’t get better with time. So either their allopregnanlolone level does not return to normal after discontinuing Propecia, or there must be some other mechanism at play as well.

I’m dealing with alot of stress in my life in addition to PFS (long story), so my doc suggested I try Wellbutrin. I bit.

I must admit, I felt alot better (read: less anxious) on this stuff. It seemed my mind was not racing. Anyway, a few days later I woke up with a soft morning erection if you know what I mean. I have no idea about the science behind this (dopamine?), but morning erections were rare for me even pre-fin. Now I’m feeling my scalp is itchy and burning. DHT anyone? Then I did a google search on wellbutrin and baldness and got quite a few anecdotal forum posts where people are linking the two.

It should be noted that hypersexuality and increased libido have been linked by some to Wellbutrin use.

I don’t know what to make of this but we’ll see.

How did your wellbutrin experiment go?

I’ve been put on an SSRI by my GP (sertraline). I’m pretty depressed and it does seem to be helping already. Obviously I don’t want to make matters worse but I exercise vigorously and often and eat well. I don’t drink or take drugs anymore either and I’m still depressed so I’ve gotta do something.

DO NOT USE SSRIs to combat brain fog.

They can cause a syndrome almost idential to that of PFS.

If you don’t believe me, ask or