I was on 40mg testosterone-350 iu hcg-0.25 mg anastrozole 3x/week before, even before fin. Urologist thought it would be better to improve PFS to have no test and higher dose HCG.
2500 iu every three days and 0.5-1mg/week anastrozole depending on feeling.
Overall I’m better but I don’t think my test production is up enough yet.
Sensitivity: some days better than others. Day of injection more numb, day 2 and 3, more sensitive.
Libido: Still very little but occasionally some, up to 10-20% of pre-fin
Orgasm is ok, not as satissfying as pre-fin but better than a few months ago.
Mentally improved, focus is 70%, memory is not back to normal but 80%.
Overall energy, 60-70%
Issues encountered, either too low or too high estrogen. that tends to be sorted out after the second day post injection.
I hope that helps, let me know if you would like more info.