Urologists discuss finasteride on Twitter

In a recent Twitter exchange triggered by the latest Melcangi et al. paper on PFS, urologists exchanged remarks about the utility of finasteride.

Dr. Garrett Pohlman wrote: “the paradigm is shifting in how we are managing men with BPH”.

Dr. Jonathan Clavell wrote: “I have personally seen in my practice otherwise completely healthy young men who come in for ED and the only medication they had taken was Finateride for hair loss. PFS is real.”

My personal comment is that it’s not that “the paradigm is shifting”, which sounds very scientific indeed, but that the lie is finally being exposed - not thanks to efforts of the medical establishment but due to the suffering of hundreds of thousands of men with decimated lives worldwide whose existence is no longer possible to deny by any doctor with a sliver of conscience.


My prediction is that in 10 years the consensus will have shifted and no doctor will prescribe Finasteride any more. Finasteride will be considered merely an “old” drug, which doesn’t have a great risk-benefit profile. A friend of mine recently told me that’s how an urologist had referred to it: “an old drug”.

Doctors will justify this “paradigm shift” to themselves the way they always have been: we just didn’t know enough in the past, and that drug was the best we had; now we know better and we are doing better.

Finasteride will still be approved, it just won’t be prescribed. Never mind the fraud, the manipulation, the lies, the denial, the cover up, the patient humiliation and abuse, the millions of damaged souls still walking the earth barely holding on to life.

From and for the perpetrators of this global catastrophe, there will never be an admission of wrong-doing, an apology, or a punishment. On to the next paradigm, which will merely be a fresh new opportunity to make billions by destroying innocent people’s lives.

Until they get caught and the cycle is repeated again.


It will eventually be banned I believe from being prescribed solely for hair loss by dermatologists but the damaged is done.

I didn’t believe it would before but if it keeps going like this they will stop prescribing it for cosmetic purposes and it’s been referred to as an old prostate drug for a long time already…

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Its sad only now its shifting so that the common consensus is to avoid these poisons. Unfortunately for users such as myself, it was too late.


This is a really scary scenario. What’s more frightening is that there is really a possibility…If this scenario becomes a reality, I might end up like Arthur.

This is what has happened with most (harmful) drugs ever made. In medicine, that’s called progress.

The pain and despair of our pfs patients will be remembered in history in one or two lines of writing…

It’s inconceivable that they have managed to get away with this for so long and nobody will go to prison for taking the lives of innocent men out there some of us only took one pill and have ended up in the worst states imaginable; suicide seems to be my only golden ticket out of this misery. I spoke to a women who lost her son to PFS not far from where I live and the doctors diagnosed him with “delusional disorder” and pumped him with psychiatric drugs which made his condition much worse he was only young with his whole life ahead of him.


This drug has ruined so many lives, it’s a feeling of helplessness that you can’t get anywhere and not knowing if there’s a cure to this that leads to suicidal thoughts, I’ve been through that as well.

Merck definitely needs to pay for this but unfortunately I doubt they ever will, even combined we don’t have the resources to take on a company that large. It’s truly sad that so many lives have been lost and ruined by some companies immoral greed to make money over the well being of another human being.


It all comes down to what you can prove in court- it’s next to impossible to show clear causation unless there is a diagnostic tool for PFS and that would really mean jumping into genetics something I don’t believe has been explored in ligation trials. It’s completely deplorable and a crime against humanity what’s happened here and I’m certain employees who work at Merck were well aware of the real risks unfortunately I never got the memo. The only question that I have is what’s the realistic chances that this can be cured within the next 10 years without funding I’m not entirely hopeful.