Urologist in the South?

Anybody know of any good Urologists in the south
Preferably SC that acknowledges our condition?

Much appreciated in advance for the input

No one in either Carolina, I’m afraid. There is a urologist in Nashville, and you can always ask if they do telehealth.

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Thank you bud

Idk if I did my research right but it said he went to Maryland?

Yeah looks like he moved and the Foundation’s info is out of date. I’d still give his new office a call and see if he does telehealth.

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I see
Well I was looking more in the way of a Doppler exam

But I guess I can have one done here and the results sent to him at his new office?

Check SMSNA’s directory here. Not all providers on this list may be familiar with PFS, but the likelihood is higher than others. Drs. Mohit Khera, Irwin Goldstein, and Rachel Rubin are all SMSNA members.

For what it’s worth, I would not expect much change in treatment outcomes from having a Doppler, especially if a PDE5 inhibitor is workable for you. The drugs are cheaper than the test.

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You mean if I have plaques that can potentially be treated it won’t make a difference? Like fibrousous
Or something?

Do you have Peyronie’s symptoms? I suppose a Doppler might be ordered for that but I’m not sure.

What I do know is if all you have is ED and pills work, a Doppler is probably a waste of time and money. Treatment of ED is usually empirical - treatments are tried in sequence progressing from lowest risk to highest risk options. A Doppler is often just a speed bump on the way to a penile implant, which is the final, irreversible option.

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Well my thinking is I’d rather have the Doppler to see if there’s anything that I’m not thinking of that might be attributing to my lack of sensation which is honestly killing me….

So idk they might find something but I gotta wait for my new insurance to kick in and that won’t be for another month at least

I might have low grade Peyronies for all I know ya know?

Couldn’t it also determine if OP is a good candidate for a traction device, gainswave, or xiaflex?

None of those are proven to work for ED. Focused shockwave is the only non-mainstream therapy that has any experimental support, and I’m not seeing that Gainswave uses a focused shockwave device (I’d be happy to be wrong about that though - genuine focused shockwave devices are otherwise very difficult to come by).

For Peyronie’s, I did a bit of research and it looks like the standard of care there is to apply traction (and possibly drugs) until the condition stabilizes and then perform surgery if the condition is severe enough. I suppose an ultrasound might be warranted at some point before surgery but I’m uncertain.

Frankly, I think that speculating that you might have plaques because you lost sensation is grasping at straws. The unfortunate reality is that there isn’t any established treatment for that specific symptom. I know it’s not easy to deal with that - I have the same issue.

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Thanks for the info

And no it is definitely not easy
Some days I don’t even know what to do with myself

Sometimes I really feel like I’m in Big trouble
If this can’t get fixed