URINATION problems! -anyone??

I’m not really having problems performing, so to speak. Its mainly prostatitis like symptoms, clamminess (I can’t believe I just used that word), burning and congestion I feel in the perineum sometimes, and a misbehaving dick, some shrinkage, shit like that, all symptoms of prostate problems.
I get the dampness, and the cold spot! It sucks!

Actually Panic thinks the same too now. But I am convinced.

Guys,I know this page was updated 10 years back. Is anyone still following this?
I hope all you guys are completely cured of the side effects. Please help me as I am going through PFS.

I believe cranberry extract has helped my frequent urination possibly caused by a urinary infection, keep in mind there is mild frequent urination that pfs causes like having to go every half hour during the day and having to get up at 4am when you’re trying to sleep, and then there is extreme frequent urination where you’re going several times an hour and have to pull over at gas stations if you’re driving for longer than 15 minutes. The first one is annoying if you’ve been healthy all your life prior to this and you still haven’t been humbled by pfs, the second one is very exhausting especially if its coupled with incontinence.

One of things that helped with my urinary problem was Low-dose naltrexone.

Has anyone who’s posted in this thread had their frequent urination subside or heal? Mew? Boston? I’m legit worried about this. I have to get up 2-3 times in the night just to pee. I haven’t had a full nights rest in weeks, which has led to daytime fatigue. I don’t know how much longer I can take this. I’m seeing my doctor in a week, but it might honestly be over for me because I can hardly function.
Just look at Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Me peeing all of the time makes it almost impossible to do anything else in life: finding employment, having a social life, dating, setting and achieving goals. I should have never taken this stupid drug.

:laughing: We know that feeling man, many of us have been there and some of us still are! I’ll let you know if I find a cure. The only thing my detox experimentation has done is caused me to have to shit all the time too. What are treatments mentioned on this forum that you have attempted?

Have you tried the sauna? Perhaps you can buy a personal sauna for your home and sweat it out before bed. The cheaper option is to wear a sauna suit and exercise a lot.

Tell yourself that your constant urination is caused by the body wanting to detoxify, so the sooner you endure this annoying phase the sooner you will be healed. I’m not sure if this is actually true but it might be

Hello, thank you for replying. I sent you a message, hopefully it sent properly. The way I won’t work for me as I am neet and dependent on my parents, but thanks for the suggestion. Then again I could join a gym that has one… hmm maybe I’ll give it a try.

Right! I recommend to analyse for calcification of the prostate. Bacterias are then the problem.
My peeing urge went away when I finally build up my gluthathione levels and Vit levels…

How have you increased gluthatione and vitamins ? which vitamins do you intend ?

You can Start with IV gluthathione or oral intake oft gluthathione. Thete are different kind of gluth. Research. You can also take the three Amino’s which build Gluth. Research. Check your levels. Check your pH of urine several times a day.
suggest b1,2,6. Check your level in urine and blood. Go for it.

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