[Urgent] I am 24 days in. Just found out about PFS. WTF? Should I drop it immediately? Does it make any difference anymore?

Was prescribed Finasterid on 12.07.2018. It’s 24 days now. I have the typical symptoms.

Should I stop it immediately? Does it make any difference anymore?


I read somebody took it for 3-4 days and still has trouble. I have never in my life even taken aspirin, because I never wanted to put any fucking chemicals in my fucking body, but thought hair loss would be worth it.

Sorry. I just found out PFS is a thing. And it describes the symptoms I have. I can’t imagine the implications right now.

How does it work, if you use Cialis/Viagra? I just don’t know.

I just need to know, if it makes it worse, if I cut the pills right now, or if I have to reduce the dose? Cold turkey?

[Edit: Remember the Marvel Movie where Spiderman tells Ironman “I don’t feel so good”. I feel like sick to my stomach right now]

I am sorry, but Chemical Castration is worse than Death. What kind of man can you be, if you are stripped from your evolutionary purpose of procreation.

Maybe it was destined for us to become fucking cucks.

I guess you are right. There is nothing I can do right now, except drinking a shit ton of water to try to cleanse my body of this poison.

Your username is hilarous hahaha.

Just quit taking it, and you’ll know in a month if you have PFS or not. In 15-20 days your DHT will come back in full force. It’ll last for like 5 days, and then after that you’ll either go back to normal or discover you have PFS. It could go either way.

I’ll keep my fingers crossed and will start praying again.

Edit: Just one last thing: Is there anything I can do right now, after cutting it of, to increase the probability of things getting back to normal?

No there’s nothing you can do so you might as well try not worrying about it.

This PFS seems like a Joke. Like a dream I am going to wake up from.

Ya when you think about it you’re like no way did this just happen, but it did. My PFS is mild across all side effects, but it’s definitely there.

I think the crash is conecting with high cortisol. If you coulde make some test to see if Youre body is under stress. Wish you all the best!

Sorry guys, what are these suggestion? Calm down a bit.
I have read tons of post and nobody suggests cold turkey.
PPL having symptoms already on fin, could get worse sides by stopping that poison. We dont need another long time suffer.
My advice: Test your blood on fin, would be very interesting. testo, free testo, dht! 3@-diol, progesterone, allopregnanolone, FSH, Estradiol.

What exact symptoms do you have?

Instead of stopping, you could try lowering the dose to 0.5 mg a day. Some ppl report erasing certain symptoms this way.


I’ve removed the content of my posts in case I got it wrong.

But how could a reduced dose make less damage, when people are saying that even one pill destroyed their life?

Some react on every dht blocking thing, so also on 0.25 mg. But not only dht is reduced, other 5ar metabolites are also.
You can try, but you dont have to.

hi FML,

I’m sorry to hear you’re having bad sides from finasteride. Unfortunately, as you’ve noticed, very severe cases are often on this drug for an extremely short time - including myself. Regarding tapering, it’s not realistically possible given the dose response curve of finasteride which rapidly plateaus after very low concentrations. I posted here about this:

However, it’s important to note what you are currently experiencing are side effects while on finasteride, and in the majority of cases these will abate once the drug is stopped. Despite it being hard to believe for some users here given the devastation this condition can cause, PFS is rare and within that you’ve probably noticed varying systemic affects across sufferers; it’s rarer still to be very severely affected. Some with lasting problems see variable improvement in some time. I would therefore try to remain calm and optimistic as the odds are significantly in your favour.

All the best

Thanks for the upbeat axolotl,

I just came from my doc. She told me to cut the drug off completely and I shouldn’t be worried because sides would go away, once the drug is out of the system.

To be honest, I don’t know how many of the sides are delusional and how many are real. For example yesterday evening for the first time I was extremeley suicidal. Started giving away my valuables. But it was only after having read so much of these horror stories here on this board, before finding out about PFS I was upbeat, happy, optimistic, workaholic and with high ambition, besides having sides of limp dick.

Thus feeling depressed, suicidal and generally empty inside, must also be correlated not only with the drug itself, but with finding out about the possible permanent side effects and their implications on family, work ethic and life planning.

What your doc says is not correct.
A lot of people having sides on fin already, has worsen by time.
Do some bloodwork now on fin in case you get more severe sides. Some sides geht better on fin after some months.

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cancel post, didn’t realize this was a month later