Dear friends,
We are pleased to bring you the latest updates about our upcoming study at the Institute for Human Genetics, University Medical Center Schleswig-Holstein.
While we hoped to use samples collected in Baylor College of Medicine’s previous study, unfortunately this will no longer be possible due to legal reasons. Patients who participated in Baylor’s study did not provide consent for their samples to be used elsewhere.
We had been working with researchers at Baylor to seek their institution’s approval for several months, but due to strict protocols, the university denied our application.
While this may appear disappointing, please rest assured that our study is still well ahead of schedule, as we reached our fundraising target four months early. This also presents a good opportunity to collect new samples, and prioritise samples which will perform best under lab conditions using our clinical survey data. Analysing optimal samples will give this study the best chance to deliver favourable results.
We are working diligently with researchers to develop a plan for collecting new samples, which we will have more updates about soon.
Please note while you are free to ask questions, we do not have specifics about how new samples will be collected at this stage. We will not have answers for such questions.
With gratitude,
The PFS Network team