Update: still completely recovered, raging libido for the last four years

i’m on my second cycle now and i gotta say body feels better this time around. Got morning wood again.

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Triptorelin is used to treat idiopathic hypogonadism, I believe that Apr1989 get recovered because he recovered his T ( High T ) due that his HGA was restore from idiopathic hypogonadism.
Also I read about the pulsatile GnrH ( Triptorelin) treatment work in those cases, sometime I think that some of us have idiopathic hypogonadism.

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Damn, guys. MediHerb is definitely the strongest Tribulus I have used and I have tried 4 brands.

In my experience, taking single pill for several days consecutively had me feeling best. Higher doses per day are suppressive in some ways. I believe enough cycles of this you can definitely be cured or close to cured, because…

My hair loss has accelerated beyond belief from the 2 cycles of MediHerb that I did. My front that was stable for 3 years since quitting Fin is now like going through a paper shredder, there is hair everywhere. My hair is almost to the same point of before taking Propecia, it’s actually a bit sickening… And the hair loss stays the same speed once you quit the Tribulus. It doesn’t stop shedding. There is permanent upregulation of androgen receptor or 5-AR in the whole body.

And for other symptoms, my brain is decent enough that I am functional but not yet cured. Though I am definitely more collected and feel closer to my old self, judging by interests, desire to do things, music tastes, etc… Sexually I had more libido the past few days on average, but penis is still somewhat numb.

I think a few more cycles of this stuff and I would be set… But the hair loss right now is just crushing, and I am reasonably functional, so I think I will take a break from it, at least until this summer shedding also ends.


Yeah I just shave my head now dude


so are the rest of the cycles you do just gonna be 1 pill per day?

I think so yes, I don’t really feel that good on 2-3 pills per day. Maybe that is more effective on the long run, but it is definitely harder to get through a cycle with that many pills, I feel unmotivated and just ‘worse’ when taking that many pills per day.

On 1 a day it is just this easy smooth positive feeling and it still seems to work.

I also have had periods of recovery, but im mixing it with TESTosfen fenugreek that gives me massive oil (and makes me handsome also). Anyone has found where to find Mediherb in Europe i have finished my 2 bottles already… Having good feelings and I will try 1 pilll only also… Please god help us giving back our lifes.

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Doesnt fenugreek inhibit 5ar?

I think it does, but it gives me massive oil in skin.

where can you get the mediherb tribulus. You used to be able to get it off amazon

I have asked the company Standard Process to send it to Europe, maybe a get an answer

I have found the website where you can buy Mediherb tribulus from EU, www.balancehelathcare.com

You have to have a consultation to order from there. It was $51.50 for a 40 pill bottle.

The consultation is easy, you call them up, you answer some absurdly basic medical questions, they make you an account and you’re good to go.

Any updates on Tribulus Cycles? Where is everybody?
My condition is still the same. Gonna start high dose cycles but im scared because i felt tingling like shrinkage feeling in my penis yesterday, just a little.

Have you taken mediherb tribulus?

It’s Vemoherb. And generally i don’t feel good these days. Now im on my off-cycle for a week. Anyone worsened because of Trib?

Guys if you’re too fucked up or lazy I can order the mediherb tribulus for you. I am not sponsoring this places products as a spokesperson, just trying to help people out.

This is where it comes from

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Yes I worsened, and I think it is because of trib…

I’m currently on day 6 but moved up to twice per day. Plan on doing this indefinitely. Nothing or the sex drive front yet. But energy and activity, huge benefit. Will update


I quit my 2nd cycle. Ive also taken 25mg viagra before bed now for a week. https://www.webmd.com/erectile-dysfunction/news/20040513/nightly-viagra-may-restore-normal-erections#1

I’ve had the best morning wood in ages and sex without viagra is before is no problem at all now. I think it’s a good idea to add it to any regime if your dick has been missing good morning wood for a long time. Cialis and levitra before bed should also work I guess.