Update: still completely recovered, raging libido for the last four years

This seems like a bizarre thing to post. Why risk a political argument here? There are probably some things we don’t need to talk about here.


It’ll be aight

What exactly do those 2 do for you that the others don’t ? :slight_smile:

I did everything as described in the original post

I laughed a bit. Thought his comment was some sort of schtick. So true that the last thing we need are arguments about politics and religion when there is already so much contention over science and recoveries.


Lmao, imagine being disabled with PFS and unemployable and on the brink of homelessness, but being able to say the n-word is all that matters.


Everyone, drop the politics stuff, please. This is not the place for this.


Man, I don’t give a shit. Dying in obscurity to a drug rushed to the market made by a giga corporation who is virtually beyond the law thanks to Free $peech™ is pretty political imo. But yeah, we’re all in this together.

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Free speech has nothing to do with Merck being beyond the law, your logic is just not there


I’ve taken 10 day cycle of up to 3 pills of MediHerb. I did not feel very good at all after bumping up to 2 pills,
my cycle looked kinda like:
1 1 2 2 3 3 2 2 1 1
I noticed that the high dose made my libido go away and I felt quite jittery and anxiety was over me later in the afternoon.

Now I am taking only one pill, and I feel a positive androgenic boost, libido is up, mentality is better, no anxiety, I have moments of almost punching through the mental fog, like if trying to connect through to my old mental self. Music tastes are more similar to before as well.

I will keep taking one pill for now. Maybe after 4-5 days my body will be ready for two pills, if not I will just continue these single pill cycles. ON the higher doses I’ve also noted my hair to be puffier and hair shedding to almost stop, which may be either due to some kind of vasodilatory effect… It’s anti-estrogenic because my nipples are less sensitive when on the cycle, and I don’t want to say anti-androgenic because there isn’t much proof of that, but perhaps it messes with hormone balance in some way on higher doses, or until you’re ready, we’ll see.

Either way the composition seems different than VemoHerb’s. For example when I first start taking MediHerb after a break, the first pill gives me pounding heart and makes me really anxious and jittery, after which I seem to have positive effects, and then the second pill is a lot more stable. That never happened on VemoHerb.


You know the kind of speech qua paying off lawmakers, healthcare regulators, and physicians that has real legislative and and material outcomes? The enormous amounts of money spent on marketing and swaying the opinions of legislators, results and obfuscations of medical trials, and doctors that got you to take fin or whatever drug that resulted you posting here on PH in the first place? That’s the kind of speech I’m talking about. Fun fact, the top three pharmaceutical companies spend more on marketing and sales than they do on R&D.

In the US pharmaceutical companies are the biggest lobbying spenders. You see, free speech is capital.

Anyway, I won’t derail anymore.

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Sorry. Your free speech was taxed slightly. Please no more.

Guys keep your hatred for free speech or whatever other politics off the boards. Just drop it. And if someone else says something political that you don’t like then do not make things worse by coming back with more political crap. Obviously.

That is spot on to my experience now. Perhaps maintain the 1 cap dose prolonged and see how you fare. I don’t know if cycles are of benefit

Man do you know what free speech means ?:smiley: What is has to do with that you have written lol

Briefly: Energy, and well-being.

Anyone knows a working source for triptorelin?

I have decided to start back on a long term 1 pill a day trib cycle. This is day two.

This is so weird I think tribulus only works because of the adaptation after getting off of it.

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Just like a lot of things, your body has to adapt to it. For instance tobacco for me, at first really did not do well, and now when I indulge, I feel pretty good. Idk

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