Update - just over 2 years in and continuing to improve

Just thought I’d update for anyone who’s interested.
Last pill was on September 10th 2019.

Since the summer things have been improving ten fold for me. I wanted to wait a while before I posted …as PFS can be very episodic but enough time has passed now where I truly see myself out of the darkness and hell I was in .

Of course , not 100%… but sometimes I think nostalgia and reflections of how we were once are often ‘screen memories’ anyway, I have to ask myself even before a prescription medication messed me up was I truly ever operating at 100% anyway? Most likely not.

So , this is controversial perhaps but I have to say Mirtazapine has been the biggest factor in me improving. Within 2 weeks of use it seemed to reset sleep for me. I now get 6-7 hours each night with less awakening then I have ever had in my life.
Slight weight gain (went from 11st to 12st) but aside from that no issues.

I’m on 7 -8 months of using that now and I think also time has helped, as well as finally getting sleep to restore things.
I also have not stopped exercising the whole time . A mix of cardio and resistance.
Although I feel the cardio has probably reset me more , my body has put on muscle from the resistance. Psychologically this helps, as a changing body indicated to me that things inside me are being reset and finally working as they should .
I have also prayed a lot and focused on quiet time, reflections daily . Spirituality can help the mental sides too.

As all this has been going on the tinnitus has decreased in volume , it’s still there unfortunately but I can live with it being quiet.
Libido and erections have improved markedly, although they still can be soft , I’ve had moments where it’s back to its best with full morning wood, pleasureful orgasms.

Gone are those times of pleasureless orgasm and a wispy little ejaculate would come out . That was bloody awful. I feel ready to seek a relationship with a woman , and although I’m not 100% I think my current state is good to go.

Hopefully now after posting this I won’t relapse ! :sweat_smile: but I don’t really believe in tempting fate anyways, I prayed to be delivered from this hell and I pray the same for all of you people , who have helped me so much over the past 2+ years. If this post gives you a small piece of hope then I’m happy .
My suggestions are keep going no matter what, believe that there is a day you will feel not cured but just ‘better’ . Use minimal medications , focus on exercise and hobbies/passions if possible, I’m sure this helps rewire some of the messed up dopamine signaling , step by step.


5 posts were merged into an existing topic: New to PFS and facing the acceptance of the condition