Update for the worse after testogel

Hey guys.

I would say that 1 month ago i was probably 95% recovered and had been so for quite some time. For whatever reason at a down period i wanted to try testogel again. It makes me very horny and i was going away with my gf for the weekend so it seemed like a good idea. Well i also used it for a full week a couple of weeks earlier for similar reasons. That was stupid!

So first time when i went on for full week i felt really good (only if i took dim with the Tgel)
I go off it because i seem to be feeling some anxiety coming back wich i havent had for a year or so before this so i guit. A week goes by Med-free and i feel very very good but then anxiety comes back and this time its a full blown attack, feel terrible for a few days. Then me and gf goes away for weekend i decide to take Tgel for the weekend to stop the anxiety wich it does and improve libido wich it does again. I do however feel abit sluggish in general. Stop Tgel again on the following monday and by wednesday i have all the symptoms i got when quitting propecia. My legs seem to have poor circulation and my face aswell as they both go abit numb.

I go to test my testosterone about a week later and to my suprise its still 16 (10-30) wich it also was my latest test before when i was feeling okay (atleast alot better).

This has me thinking whats really going on here? Is it not the hormone levels that are messing with us? is it the the swing in levels that affect me?

Anyways im going in tomorrow for a full hormone panel (more or less). It will be very interesting to c if something differs from when i was feeling really good.

I cant help to blame myself for going back on T when 95% recovered and now back in the damn gutter again but its not gonna help me to put myself down over this so im gonna let it go and accept it. Just like i quit propecia my balls ache like they havent done for 2 years or so. They hang low and are warm. My backpain and numbness in legs and arms are back too. My energy levels have gone from id say pretty good to awfull as im getting worn out going down the road for a few blocks whilst just a couple of weeks ago i was able to push myself on 100 miles bike rides.

Im not as bad as when quitting propecia but all the symptoms are here again and i almost forgot how F***** awfull i felt for 2 years. Hopefully this recovery will be faster and full!

Will be interesting to c the labs when they get back in a couple of weeks. If something obvious is going on im going back on TRT to try and find a perfect balance with meds cause i just havent got the time to wait it out once again. Bah!

I also dont want to scare you off regarding TRT because the best days i had the last 4 years was when i for whatever reason seemed to find a balance while on testosterone replacement. So its a balance act and also a risk that i now learned the hardway. Its weird because i did not feel worse the other times i tried trt if anything i felt better. Jury is still out on DIM as it definetly reduce prostatic DHT and is an antiandrogen according to studies. Maybe thats the drug that got me this bad i just dont know!?

Again BAH! :smiley:


Labs show the highest testosterone rating i have had in the last 4 years.

testosterone: 23 (10-30)
cortisol: 455 (100-500)
shbg: 23 (10-50) alot lower than previously (usually around 32)
lh: 5
tsh: 2.0
t3 free: 5.5 (3-6.2)
t4 free: 17 (10-22)
progesterone: 1.2 (<2.0)
Hemaglobulin: 144 (100-174)
estradiol: 75 (<150) probably the wrong test but doubt the right one would shed any light on this situation.

Symptoms that reacured after last testogel period:

limbs going numb like the have no blood.
fatigue, more so than before
anxiety at first but has no gone away.
less libido that the last year where i have had pretty good libido.

My left hand and underarm are going numb while typing this wtf? I really feel its all related to blood circulation. But why is it not as good now as before or what triggers this?

Perhaps its all about me beeing celiak and i accidently got something in me, i just dont know! fOOK! : )

dude,why would you mess with testogel if you were 95% recovered :confused:

What your saying makes perfect sense to me. Could you please copy your original post into following thread:


PS: Don’t look for the answer in your hormone levels. They’re not the problem. Your post rather is further proof that the problem lies in the way our bodies are reacting to male hormones.

What your saying makes perfect sense to me. Could you please copy your original post into following thread:


PS: Don’t look for the answer in your hormone levels. They’re not the problem. Your post rather is further proof that the problem lies in the way our bodies are reacting to male hormones.
How does it make perfect sense to you? It makes absolutely no sense in my opinion.
Btw i still react very typical to testosterone when i take it. I get super horny so i react to androgens thats not the problem in my opinion.

Whats got me thinking is that if i have more T now than ever and still feeling crap maybe T is not the reason for my/our issues to begin with…

T has circulation properties and im thinking this perhaps is whats beneficial to me more so than the added testosterone influence on my receptors when i take Testogel.

Is there any good tests for bloodcirculation that one can take?

Some of you guys are not testing Bioavailable Testosterone and Free Testosterone. This is very important because most of testosterone is bound to SHBG and can effect results.

Secondly, controlling estrogen is important.

Thyroid complications can also be a culprit here, that’s why you need a full thyroid panel.

If your still not feeling better then I would lean towards Awor’s Demyelation theory, it makes sense.

You must exhaust all options, if you can avoid TRT, then avoid TRT…Go the Clomid route and get monthly blood tests.Your best bet is to work with a qualified doctor who is very knowledgeable. That’s far and few between… Good Luck…

how long you were on Testo gel altogather and how long after gettig off of Tgel you got the blood work?

was on testogel about 8 days this time. Felt very good after quitting actually better than when on the gel. This continued for about 1 week after taking it. Then it was a downhill slope from there. Bloodwork was done about 3 weeks after quitting.

I have had as low as 8 In testosterone previously. Now its 23… My shbg is also lower now than at previous blooddraws so my bioT is prolly ALOT higher than previously.

This makes me think that the testosterone is not the reason why i feel shit. I believe its a symptom of something else thats going on.

Its interesting that so many ppl get so much better from a strict diet including myself.

These are sideeffects listed from CELIAC. It contains alot of the symptoms we have.

Trademark symptoms in young ppl but many adults do not get these:

•abdominal bloating and pain
•chronic diarrhea
•pale, foul-smelling, or fatty stool
•weight loss- fatigue

These are usually what manifests in older adults:

•unexplained iron-deficiency anemia
•bone or joint pain
•bone loss or osteoporosis
•depression or anxiety
•tingling numbness in the hands and feet
•missed menstrual periods
•infertility or recurrent miscarriage
•canker sores inside the mouth
•an itchy skin rash called dermatitis herpetiformis

On top of these if you go to a celiac forum you will notice many have hormonal issues and nerve damage from the body beeing deprived of nutrients for a long time. Theres actually studies that celiac have more hair than non celiac. Possibly link to low dht in celiacs.

troubledfinuser2 ,

At what point in the day would you say you feel your worst and when do you feel your best?

I’ve noticed this too. Is this reversible? I.e. does it get better when other symptoms do, or are we stuck with low-hanging balls 4ever?

My nuts have not been hanging low for the last couple of weeks. I used to use the zinger, but stopped. That helped a some with this, but they still hung low from time to time.

The only thing that I really did different is increase my Vit D dosage to 25,000 iU per day and switched brands. Could this really help our nuts?

Holy shit man! Are you supplementing Magnesium as well? At that dosage you’ll probably make yourself Mag deficient pretty quick if you’re not supplementing.

Can I ask why you stopped using the zinger?


So after about a few more weeks of Tgel (prolly 5 or 6 weeks of now) i continue to feel worse.

My entire body is now going numb from time to time. Most of my muscles are sore and have no energy / power. Im fatigued when waking up and through out the day. Im hot and im cold on the same day. It can be just an hour between feeling to hot and beeing abit frozen. I also get anxiety when i im the city but when im at the country house this subsides. I have loose stool. My joints hurt. My left hand numbness is abit better but stilll numb. The strenght in this hand is really poor i cant hold on when trying to hang from a bar with this hand, i just drop to the ground. The sad part is that the stamina of of my muscles are worse of then the max strenght.

Ive been waking up with imprints of the sheets on my body. All over my chest i can c the texture from the sheets i been sleeping on. It takes a good 20 min before the marks dissapear. They are not only visual marks but if i touch them i can feel the intendations in the body. This surely has to be related to poor bloodflow??

The weirdest thing is that my libido is really high and my erections are prolly better than ever and me and my gf have been having really good sex. What the hell is going on!!! Im so feed up with this shit!!

Lastly my prostate feels abit weird again…

Omg why on earth did i take that tgel again! or dim or whatever causes this crap again.

This sounds more like fibromyalgia if you have libido and erections. consider looking that up and treating it as such instead of PFS.

Id say we all have fibro considering that the diagnose is just a bunch of symptoms patched together. They dont know the cause and they dont know how to treat it. If having fibro means that i have these symptoms and i should learn to go ease on myself then i dont think that diagnose will do me much good. Its a crappy diagnose similar to IBS wich is a diagnose ive recieve as well. Means my stomach has issues. Oh it does? thanks doc i feel so much better now :slight_smile:

Seriously tho the only times when i have felt completely “cured” have been when ive talking Tgel and its not like i always have good libido and erections…

oh, i thought you were 95% recovered OFF of tgel before trying it as your first post implied, then declined after retrying it… which led me to believe it may have shut you down some.

anyway, there is some interesting stuff on mucinex and fibromyalgia - maybe it could help with the numbness.


Take this and I think you will feel better…

-Regular Multivitamin(buy the gummy ones if you like , whatever:)
-Vitamin B Complex(Vitamin B-1, B3, B6, B12, etc… etc…)
-1000mg of Vitamin C per day(divided doses, 500 mg each dose)
-5000 IU of Vitamin D
-1000IU of Vitamin E(Take 3 grams of Fish Oil with this too)*THIS IS IMPORTANT FOR CARDIOVASCULAR HEALTH TAKEN TOGETHER).
-Zinc, Calcium, Magnesium tablet(you can buy them cheap at vitamin shoppe)

This is what I take, and it helps with my joint pains…I’m not on TRT, however this I did have joint pains before, and this surely helps.

I’m glad the testogel is helping your libido, I think adding these supplements will assist you with everything else…I think the higher Test levels that you have, the thicker your blood gets, did you get your ferritin or iron check? If it is high, that could be a problem…Guys on TRT usually donate blood too every few months to clear themselves out. Are you seeing Dr. Crisler? You should if your going the TRT route…He is THE MAN!

Peace Bro,


Struggling for 8 years

That is exactly how I felt when I stopped my Androgel. Before going on the gel my T was low but was not feeling as bad as I felt after I stopped the Gel. I was just slightly tired in the evening but when I stopped the Gel I got a long list of problems which I am still fighting with.

Thanks for suggestions guys.

Im allrdy taking most of the supps you suggested anonnn. And im not on TRT i think you missunderstood. Ive been on for short periods wich usually resulted in me feeling better when i quit. Only not this time…

One thing i have noticed and i noticed this before when i just stopped propecia, i can hold my breath for a very long time. Now granted i dont know if i was always able to hold my breath for long but its just such a contradiction in regards to my other health status esp since it feels like my muscles dont get any blood / oxygen and become so tired. Maybe my blood is too thick and loaded with rbc? Then again i dont know how long 2:30min really is but im not even outta breath afterwards. Just feels abit funny.

Dont think i ever measured rbc only hb wich is at 140 ref range 100-170.

Is there a machine where one could measure the bloodthickness? Or is just value in the blood?
What are these values that determines blood thickness? I know about Hemaglobulin and red blood cells anything else ?
You mention Iron or ferratin. With alll those different markers to take into considerations for blood thickness wouldent the best way to c the actual viscosity be to test the blood in a machine? On top of this i guess the bloodvessels play a big part in this equation as well.