Wellshoot's Member Story

Interesting, I had no idea. I was hesitant to use it too, and used less than was prescribed, but saw no obvious adverse side effects fortunately. Could be something to try for others whose main concerns are sexual. Bummer that you can’t give it a go. Thank you for the kind words. And best of luck to you too.

How are you now well shoot?

Hey bro I hope your doing good. How are you feeling?

hey, I’m doing well, thanks.

I had a downswing for a second brought on, I think, by stress and/or pesticide? I recently went through a rough patch with my partner, and a roommate got bed bugs so I had some harsh pesticide sprayed all through the house three different times, not to mention the stress from having bed bugs. So insomnia came back, digestive issues, even tinnitus which hadn’t made an appearance for quite some time. Shit sucked for a little bit, but I made a speedy recovery back to normal (the new normal anyway) and I feel pretty good right now. Bowel movements feel really good too right now, which is new lol. I can’t speak on sexual stuff too much, because I did decide to get back on tadalifil until the bottle’s finished, but I will let you know how that goes.


Hi, glad to hear you’re doing better. I was just wondering what your Tadailifil prescription was? What mg and how often? Thanks

Hey Steve,
Welcome to the forum. Please follow the guidelines for new members, before engaging in forum discussions, thank you.

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5mg daily, which I don’t do. I take 10mg only as needed and try to do that as little as possible and never more than once a week.

In January I got COVID and with that came some digestive issues that have yet to totally resolve themselves still. I had gotten to a point where I could eat pretty much what I wanted without issue, but now my gut is easily irritated again. Not much else to report.

I feel you. I also got hit with Covid last month. Worsened my PFS-related symptoms as well and have also yet to resolve. Take care!

Oof sorry to hear that. Hoping you see some relief soon. What symptoms did it worsen?
I’ve decided to go carnivore because I think that’s how I managed to heal my digestive issues in the past. Day 4 and it’s rough withdrawing from sugar, but my stool has been more normal and no stomach issues. Looking forward to being over the hump. I’ve committed to a full 45 days at least.

Day 5: Feel proper sated for the first time since starting. My penis is hanging nicely and nocturnal erections are back. I’m feeling very grateful because I think I’m nearly over the initial hump. I should note that I’m still drinking coffee. I’ve been adding a pat of Kerrygold butter to it. I also love how cut my body looks after shedding water and probably fat, but I can’t really afford to lose any more weight. I’m pretty skinny as is. Might even ride this through to Easter Sunday if all goes well. Who knows.

Something else I’ve noticed is sleep seems to have improved. I think? I wake up and feel totally floored. Before I could be alert pretty soon after waking, but now I wake up and my bed feels incredible and I don’t want to leave. That’s how I remember prefin being so I’m happy about it haha.

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I decided to take a spontaneous roadtrip with a friend which broke my streak. I ate what I wished for 6 days. Not healthy and definitely shocked my body. Been having strange poops. I noticed as I have with past attempts that my libido was exceptionally high after depriving myself and then allowing myself to eat sugary things once again. But I’m back on the horse and it’s the 7th day since restarting carnivore. Transition has been a little easier than the first go of it.

Day 9: A little soon to tell, but I have an inkling that I respond better to chicken and the like than beef, though some people swear by beef. I’ve ordered some kefir grains so I can ferment at home. Now that I’m over a week in, I might also try adding some garlic in too soon. My body composition looks more like prefin. I can count on my genitals being fuller and normal, whereas they would be shriveled sometimes before. Libido is good. Body’s producing more oil. Overall positive so far. Though I just started a new job in a bakery and the smell of the pastries were killing me today. I resisted temptation, I’m proud to say. Hope you’re all well.

So I didn’t end up sticking to it. What can I say, I’m a fallible person. Still a valuable experience with a few takeaways.
Although I haven’t been the most scientific in my approach historically, I can give a couple things that have conclusively helped me.

  1. Homemade kefir-- I bought grains online and started fermenting very easily. Covid had derailed my gut health and left me with a chronically irritable stomach. Since having kefir regularly my stool has been very healthy and pleasant. Worth a shot if you’re interested in targeting the gut. Homemade is supposed to be far superior to store-bought as far as quantity of bacteria.
  2. Meat-centric diet-- This helps me with my sexual sides. It also helps my skin produce more oil. I had gotten to the point of sexual sides being workable but my genitalia would still be shriveled and not look right throughout the day. Eating this way helps with that. Also I could have sex and have an appetite for it, but it didn’t really cross my mind without stimuli ever. But lately, I have been pretty horny even without stimuli. I can’t say I’m purely carnivore, but meat and animal fats is the bulk of what I eat.

Resistance training has offered some intermittent boosts in libido, but I haven’t been doing that as much because of work. Hope to get back on it soon.

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I wish I was able to try raw milk, but I’ve been having success with pasteurized. I was making kombucha for a while but never saw any noticeable benefits from consuming it. I also just try to avoid black and green tea at this point. But yeah as with all fermentation there’s some trial and error for sure.

Hi @wellshoot it sounds like you somewhat recovered quite well sexually. Proud of your progress,
Can you please share your experience?

Please tell us:

  • What were some signs you were REALLY starting to recover sexually?
  • Did you have penile numbness? did that recover
  • Do you have visual libido
  • Can you get hard from pure horniness
  • are you back to pre-fin erections?& can you maintain your erection

this is all I need to know at this point in my journey. Im also on cialis and feel better in those regards but I do not want to rely on the pill.

I appreciate the help and HOPE

Interesting, I didn’t know you could use those teas. But yes, a lot of sugar. Even natural sugars I am trying to limit so I don’t usually drink it. I’ve been meaning to try making sauerkraut.

Hi thank you for the kind words.

– It was all gradual and a yoyo recovery for sure. I guess it was big for me when I could feel confident that upon standing, I was not going to lose my erection. That used to be a huge bummer for me.
– I did have penile numbness. This did get significantly better.
–I do have visual libido. Not as raging as pre-fin when I was oversexed, but I’ve given that up as a benchmark. When I’m treating my body well, I am very pleased with my libido, and at this point if I slip up in my diet or something, I know things aren’t going to come crashing down.
– Getting hard from pure horniness, no stimulation whatsoever happens less frequently, but every once in a while, especially when I’m eating tons of meat, it happens and I’m always pleased.
– I am back to prefin erections and yes I can maintain them. :slight_smile:

I’m not cured by any means, but very grateful to be where I’m at. I know what you mean about Cialis. I haven’t touched it in a few months and still happy with the sexual side of things, but it was definitely was a nice crutch for me when I was going through it. One user (and my urologist) suggested that it can aid in recovery of erection quality even after cessation of use. Can’t confirm that either way.

Hope this helps. Wherever you are in your journey, I wish you the absolute best. Let me know if I can answer any more questions. I still check in from time to time.

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Not doing anything special lately and feeling really well. That’s all

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First time on in a long time. Consistently feeling good. I’m living more or less as normal now. I hope that gives someone hope.
