Wellshoot's Member Story

I wish I was able to try raw milk, but I’ve been having success with pasteurized. I was making kombucha for a while but never saw any noticeable benefits from consuming it. I also just try to avoid black and green tea at this point. But yeah as with all fermentation there’s some trial and error for sure.

Hi @wellshoot it sounds like you somewhat recovered quite well sexually. Proud of your progress,
Can you please share your experience?

Please tell us:

  • What were some signs you were REALLY starting to recover sexually?
  • Did you have penile numbness? did that recover
  • Do you have visual libido
  • Can you get hard from pure horniness
  • are you back to pre-fin erections?& can you maintain your erection

this is all I need to know at this point in my journey. Im also on cialis and feel better in those regards but I do not want to rely on the pill.

I appreciate the help and HOPE

Interesting, I didn’t know you could use those teas. But yes, a lot of sugar. Even natural sugars I am trying to limit so I don’t usually drink it. I’ve been meaning to try making sauerkraut.

Hi thank you for the kind words.

– It was all gradual and a yoyo recovery for sure. I guess it was big for me when I could feel confident that upon standing, I was not going to lose my erection. That used to be a huge bummer for me.
– I did have penile numbness. This did get significantly better.
–I do have visual libido. Not as raging as pre-fin when I was oversexed, but I’ve given that up as a benchmark. When I’m treating my body well, I am very pleased with my libido, and at this point if I slip up in my diet or something, I know things aren’t going to come crashing down.
– Getting hard from pure horniness, no stimulation whatsoever happens less frequently, but every once in a while, especially when I’m eating tons of meat, it happens and I’m always pleased.
– I am back to prefin erections and yes I can maintain them. :slight_smile:

I’m not cured by any means, but very grateful to be where I’m at. I know what you mean about Cialis. I haven’t touched it in a few months and still happy with the sexual side of things, but it was definitely was a nice crutch for me when I was going through it. One user (and my urologist) suggested that it can aid in recovery of erection quality even after cessation of use. Can’t confirm that either way.

Hope this helps. Wherever you are in your journey, I wish you the absolute best. Let me know if I can answer any more questions. I still check in from time to time.

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Not doing anything special lately and feeling really well. That’s all

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First time on in a long time. Consistently feeling good. I’m living more or less as normal now. I hope that gives someone hope.



Congrats bro! Thanks for letting us know