Hey everyone,
It’s been 10 years since my First PFS symptom, thought I would give an update for anyone needing encouragement. As a quick recap, I started taking Propecia at age 30 and continued to take for nine years before experiencing my first sexual problem symptom. At that point, I weaned myself off Propecia and here we are 10 years later. The first couple years were the worst and most severe symptoms, including brain fog, anxiety, muscle loss, no limbido and ED. There have been many times in the last 10 years I thought I’m fully recovered and other times I thought things would never get better. Currently , I’m 49 and taking testosterone booster, berberine, vitamin D and on days I’m sexually active with my wife HGW, Tonga At Ali and eat watermelon which seems to help me perform very well. It does seem like if I have sex weekly my body performs more consistently, but if it goes past a couple weeks it’s like my system is backed up and ED kicks in. I’ve realized that this may just be the future and I’ve accepted it. My hope, faith and peace come from my relationship with Jesus who gives real peace no matter my current condition. Don’t get me wrong, there have been some very dark days but my faith has gotten me thru. Anyone out there who is struggling don’t give up hope. I recommend getting a real relationship with Jesus who is the way, the truth and the life. This will give your life purpose, get you thru the hard times, give you joy that nothing can take from you and most importantly salvation in heaven after this life. Anyone that needs prayer let me know.