
As we all know methylation is a widely discussed topic on this forum, however there is limited info on under-methylation.

As a young child I was found to have pyrroles disorder and be very under-methylated. Since getting PFS I have addressed the pyrroles through 30mg zinc supplementation everyday that got me to a blood level of 12 (10-18 range), however I haven’t addressed the methylation. The doctor that diagnosed me back in the day told my parents I probably had to take SAM-e for life or be on anti-depressants. I haven’t tried SAM-e for a few years but think it may be beneficial to me right now, however all the talk on here about SAM-e is mostly negative and im worried to make everything worse given that I’m a relatively mild case with mainly mental symptoms.

Has anyone had noticeably good results on SAM-e or has been previously diagnosed as under-methylated?
