Unbearable muscle tensions, fatigue and brain fog

I posted my story recently, but I need advice to what to take to lessen the brain fog, or the muscle pains ?
doesn’t matter how much massage is done to my muscles the pain will go away for couple hours then it will come back

How long did you take finasteride? I too have muscle pain and twitching that’s been going on for over a year now.

I have pssd, I took antidepressants for 5 days. have never taken finasteride

what about magnesium? try looking it up its a supplement in different forms. men have to take 400mg a day from food and I take 150mg. you get this from the food greens but I don’t eat greens every day. well its good for muscles nerves cells and bones etc. look it up and see.

I would say in elderly it is used to decrease blood pressure in 80-90 year old or so.

I think magnesium makes my brain fog worse. and I don’t see any benefits on magnesium even at high doses.