I had to come back briefly to see the initial reactions, at some point soon i will apply the same discipline to leaving this board to fully recover as i have my recovery protocol.
For now, i have to reply - to try to help not just argue. It did not surprise me to read a couple of negative(ish) replies because that is the mindset pfs puts you in, i was in it myself and to some degree my sub-conscious is still in it. There is no way you can just erase an experience so terrifying and life changing from your mental state. It takes years.
There are a couple of replies that are basically the same - they go like so many others which is “Oh sure you’re recovering, you’re one of the lucky ones, but i’m different or am likely to be different and not able to be cured, i have something you don’t, or you have something i don’t or my genes are wrong or my ar5 enzymes are broken or my T is too low or i’ve got dry skin and a shrivelled dick and small balls and therefore i can’t recover or are unlikely to recover etc. etc. etc. …”
I don’t think for a minute that we all have exactly the same issues, we don’t, but we do share the vast majority of major symptoms that carry with the very frightening phrase “PFS”. We are all human beings and we react to external and internal stimuli in 99.99% the same ways. We have been affected by a drug and in part we have allowed ourselves to spiral down and down, partly out of fear at the initial reaction to a very dangerous drug - dangerous for some people anyhow.
What disease or medical issue do any of you guys know that carries the same symptoms for everyone? None, everyone is affected slightly differently to each medical disease and problem in the world, but the main symptoms are same or similar, hence people are diagnosed on the basis of the main symptoms, for cancer, for adverse reactions to nuts, and for adverse reactions to fin.
Bottom line though, we have the same thing, we are the one in a hundred/thousand, whatever, that have reacted badly to the cessation of this drug - we are all in the same boat, and that is the same level of assumption as a doctor gives to a cancer patient that shows x y z symptoms and tests x y z which is consistent with cancer. Can anyone be 100% positive of anything in this world, no, but based on self analysis, testing, research, previous experience etc. we can get to a point 99.9% certainty.
In summary, you have pfs, or the thing that someone called pfs, i have it, we have it, we’re in the same boat, move on people…
To get out of this fucking horrible boat, different people have to do different things, some have to stand up and step over all manner of shit, like left over fishing nets and slippery dead fish and the boat rocks because your right on the end or the side or whatever, some guys are sitting right by the side of the boat next to the steps of the harbour wall, they stand up and get out easy as you like. But the common denominator (and this is very important) is that they all have to:
A- make the decision to get out of the boat
B- All have to stand up
C- All have to climb out of the boat to one degree or another in order to get clear from their position in the shitty fucking boat
Now staying in the boat, wondering whether everyone’s in the same position, whether everyone’s exit will be the same or not, wondering whether you have a pair of shoes on that will definitely slip and throw you over the side etc. will not start you on the process of getting out of the shitty fucking boat - and this boat is an awful color, it fucking stinks too man.
People tell you that other people might be coming to help you out of the boat (they’re the scientists) but you don’t know this for sure, it is a rumour that these guys will there soon to help, but shit, that rumour seems to have been going round for years and nothing yet has happened. Strange though, some guys feel that is comforting so just sit in the boat anyway waiting for the guys to help them out of it. That might just be human nature - i guess we’re all a bit different.
I’ve made my point in a very simplistic way, but what you guys who are sitting in the boat wondering about shoes or the men coming to help you out of it need to consider, is that there are guys around you just standing up and getting out of it, they are showing common denominators that work to get them out. I appreciate that Chi has asserted that the gut is the main answer, that CDNUTS is certain that fasting is the main answer, that everyone has a theory. The reality though, is that you have chosen to simply hang on to the easy escape route of saying: ah yes but everyone says it is this or that therefore no-one knows anything - once again it is human nature choosing the easy route: sit in the boat and wait for help, that is millions of years of evolution that have moulded humans to pick the path of least resistance, both mentally and physically, and this usually works, but not in this shitty boat we are all still in. You have to go counter intuitive.
The guys that have either fully recovered or partially recovered often have set theories, “ah yes, i have recovered and it is the gut” and this happens because they are ecstatic at the huge achievement they have accomplished and they wish to convey the answer. (i am not suggesting Chi said that, he thinks it may be but he is smart enough to know it may be a variety of things) However seeing the obvious flaw in some assertions is not a reason to ignore totally the common denominators of their recoveries. Doing this will- in my opinion - be likely to consign you to 5/10/20 years or a life of pfs torture.
There are common denominators. I have researched constantly for about 10 months and by the way i tested twice with an IQ in the 130’s in my 20’s. I can store information like few can, even in my weakened state. I’m not showing off because i’m fucking anonymous! I’m just saying there is a clear link between an exercise protocol and recovery states, and i am a reliable candidate to convey this to you based on my intelligence. Believe me, don’t believe me, i don’t care.
The biggest link to recovery though is the state of mind that goes with a recovery protocol. It is incredibly important to say to yourself and mean it: I have a path, i am confident of this path and i am following it, for 6 months with no exceptions. Get to the end of the 6 months and look for improvements, then carry on, improve, increase your recovery plan.
Your recovery protocol should be different to everyone else, it should be tailored to your specific needs, but ultimately if you choose not to include the common denominators that have got many either out of the boat or close to it, then you are braver than me.
My regime is so strict i barely have time to ponder pfs, it is so tough i am fucking exhausted at the end of each day, and guess what, i sleep better because of that. Now even the doubters must concede that sleeping better will take you forward right?
I am not saying that exercising is the answer, or that diet is the answer, or that meditation or cold showers are the answer, the fact is that if you were able to have your mind wiped of everything you’ve read, worried about, and you could chill out about your skin, your dick, your face, you may well recover without any exercise, good diet etc. who the fuck knows?
However - whether my suggestions work just to take your mind off things, or whether they work because they focus on proven methods that make humans more anabolic and hormone balanced and happy, it really doesn’t matter. The end result is that this type of recovery programme does indeed seem to yield dramatic recovery results.
Some people won’t respond in the same way if they are exercising and eating out of desperation and panic- i’ve done that, and got nowhere, and it took even my oversized brain about a month to realise that i wasn’t relaxing and enjoying the moment, i was in panic mode even though physically i was doing all the correct things, and no human being can possible recover when in a state of panic. Constant fight or flight mode will kill you eventually.
You doubters need to throw away your doubt and realise the damage your internal thoughts, written and spoken words are doing to you and others.
I advise any with a shred of doubt in their ability to recover to go to an insomniacs web forum, there are thousands of poor souls convincing and reinforcing in each other the incorrect belief that they cannot be fixed, because somehow they are different to normal people. They are not. They can sleep like babies if they throw away their pills, their incorrect beliefs and lose their fear.
I am not saying pfs is brought on by our minds - it’s obvious that fin changed our hormones and positioned us perfectly to spiral out of control, it is a wildy innapropriate and dangerous drug for hair loss in young men in particular and one day i hope Merk pay dearly for this. Be in no doubt though, you put it in your mouth.
For now, you can simply only attend to the things in your control. Moaning and reinforcing negative beliefs in yourselves and others cannot possibly help you. A sensible recovery program tailored to your needs based on proven common denominators - in my opinion - definitely will.
Many will still say - “It worked for him but i’m different”
And a very small percentage will say “It worked for him, and him and him. I have the same problem, it will work for me too”
The second lot of guys will recover eventually one hundred percent, and they will recover to some degree and their life will be twice as good within 6 months - if they are also sensible and not just over motivated.
Which group you fall into depends on genetics, will power, or a mixture. If you are not naturally a go getting positive mother fucker, the type that will tackle a mugger when everyone else watches then never mind, you still have the force of will, of character, which any of us kind find in tough times if you try hard enough. If you are not that bright then that is an advantage because less bright people tend to obsess and worry less, just use me or cdnuts or chi or mitch as a role model, you don’t have to work too much out, as long as you can read then just follow - but not totally blindly as not everything is possible for everyone - i am talking about fasting for 14 days or other such things that some could simply not physically do - if you’re not bright enough to drop crazy stuff (for you) then yep, you’re fucked.
It is possible for 90% of people here to recover. Believe me, or don’t.
In answer to a query about how i got this protocol together and started on it in my state, i started by picking up my knife and fork (as cdnuts said) i used him for inspiration, i could barely see the monitor but he inspired me to research more even though i know it scared me. I then carried on until i had a log of every recovery and partial recovery - i stripped the crazy things that may harm, i kept the crazy things that might work but could not harm (like ball painting), i found the big common denominators and applied them to me, which meant dropping some more things that initially i could not do due to weakness, dizziness etc.
In answer to the guy who listed all the things wrong with him, yeah i had all of that too. There’s him thinking "yeah but i’ve got all this wrong with me so we’re different, just like the guys in the boat waiting for the men to help them! I never have listed here all of my symptoms, just the main ones. They were fucking horrendous. I still have lots of stuff i don’t like, but many have gone or are clearing up. I’m not going to be 100% better, i am going to end up much better than i was, stronger, wiser, knowing how fucking impossible it is to keep me down unless you kill me. You can do it too, stop looking for reasons to fail and start looking for reasons to succeed.
In reply to what is 70% better anyway - who gives a flying fuck? Why are you obsessing over my definition of 70%? Of course my definition will be different to yours, but unless either you or i are a fucking moron, you might look at me and think i’ve recovered no less than 50% or you might think i’ve recovered no less than 90% For me, i estimate 70%. Stop obsessing, i’m loads better alright! I can have sex 3 times a day if i want. I get morning wood and nocturnal wood every night, my balls are normal size again. My brain fog is all but gone. I can do 30 pull ups, i can swim in the freezing sea and love it. I’m still a little anxious in the mornings, i still have dry skin but it is getting better, my hair is not great but weirdly is growing back to some extent. I’m still a stone under what i was but i have put on about a stone in the last 6 months so i’m on the way.
I looked a fucking mess, i still look a mess, but 70% less of a mess!
The challenge now for anyone reading this is to not post a negative comment, not even slightly negative. Post what you are going to do to help change things for the better. Remember that posting negative installs negative belief and cannot help you. Positive can help you, negative cannot. You decide whether you stay in the boat or decide to get out by your next post/comment/action.
And i don’t mean you should not question each other - ie do you really think it is sensible to do that? That is not negative, it is just a question, but questioning the merit of people trying to get of the boat with a plan is negative and thus pointless.
I’m not holding myself up as some kind of recovery genius, but i have noted that i am recovering quicker and in a shorter timescale from a severe case of the condition someone called pfs than anyone else i have read about, hence i found it a moral imperative to report comprehensively. I am also nearly 40 and have alot more life experience than some of you younger guys. I hope i have helped you at least a little.
Take care guys, i’ve taken care to write in a way that hopefully can be applied to 90% of sufferers. I will now apply the same discipline to not responding as i have to my recovery. I will be back for sure, and i will commit myself to helping write personal plans for those who want me to - but only after i am 100%. It is simply too risky to be here taking in negative stories and comments into my sub-conscious - it is the kind of thing that might keep me at 70% and not 100% which is not a risk i am willing to take when i have a family to bring up - i will be back though, when fully recovered. By for now.