Two months propecia usage

Hi everyone,

I have used propecia for two months for hair loss, today I decided to stop using it, I’d like to know if there can be some side effect after two months usage and what should I do now.
Also I’m 20 years old and the only side effect I found so far was some testicle pain in the first week of it, I’m having normal erections and eveything seems fine, but I used to always wake up with a bone but I’m not always having it lately.


The odds are on your side my friend. Just take it easy, relax. You should be fine. If you are worried, you could get some blood tests now to see where you are at, this may be helpful if you do have problems later.

I got exactly the same problems and I’m afraid.
I took propecia for 2 months and decided to stop today.
I used to have boners all the during the day, and of coarse in the morning but now I rarely got any and I don’t think about sex at all.
I hope I’ll get my sexual drive back and you too my friend.
Keep me updated on your situation.