Tumor on my Pituitary Gland

Just got my MRI results today they found a 2cm Tumor on my Pituitary Gland.

It looks like I will have to get surgery to have it removed.

Does anyone think this is caused by Finasteride ? Before I took Finasteride I never had any serious medical problems what soever.

See below I have included a copy of the MRI report.

There is a chance that it triggers some autoimmune prob by creating estrogen domiance, and that could lead to chronic knflammation…maybe could lead to tumour growth?

Im sorry to hear it. I wish you all the luck in this world.

Have you tried something to reduce the pituitary?

Thanks for your support xptriado.

I only found out that I have it today.

As I said I never had any major health problems in my life before I used Finasteride.

I had the same brain MRI 6 months after my crash back in 2011, came back negative as I suspected it would, my cortisol was high but not that high.

Could be benign and asymptomatic. I would DEFINITELY get second opinions and some less intrusive treatment options

Sorry to hear. I hope surgery brings some symptomatic relief

Doctors are fast to hand out diagnosis that set people in despair when sometimes there is no need too.
Surgeons want surgery because thats how theyake money

You need a second opinio at least. Dont stop searching for less invasive options. I think pituitart tumour is very treatable. Look into cannabis for cancer as well. Lots of evidence outthere. Surgery is last option

Xptriado- is right. Def def def seek other opinions

I concur.

The Doctor who recommended surgery to me is not a surgeon.

She said I have Acromegaly its not cancer but it needs to be taken out.

I got a vibe off her that she was VERY concerned. She saw me within days of having the MRI it normally takes me atleast a month to get an appointment with her.


Dont know about that condition so i cant pronounce. Only thing i know for sure is you need at least a second opinion. You shouldnt have surgery just like that. Find the best doctor for that in your country/area and travel to him… Thats what i would do anyway.

You labs say “high IGF”. Can you tell me how high your IGF levels were? Mine were 789 (100-300) when I had them tested.

I don’t have that info to hand. My endo sent me for an MRI after a glucose tolerance test showed my growth hormone levels were too high.

hi! my IGF-1 is 290 when limit is 240, my prolactin is 14.9 when limit is 15.1, my tsh is 4.4 when limit is 4.2

Please, can you let me know your values ? im afraid of pituitary tumour too

Sorry I don’t have the values to hand. If your worried about your pituitary gland you should get an MRI done.

Hello Mark…

any update about your cyst discovery?

I will be speaking with my surgeon at the end of the month. It looks like it will be awhile before I can get surgery.

They want me to go on injections before any surgery.

Just to update.

I had surgery back in october to remove the tumour which was successful.

My growth hormone levels are now in normal range and I’ve been told that my tumour is in “remission”.

Whats most interesting is that after I had the surgery I felt great for about 2 weeks like I was going to recover from PFS then things started going in reverse and I was back to my old PFS self.

I’m thinking that it may have been the effect that anesthetic had on my immunsystem that made me feel better and not the removal of the pituitary tumour becuase I don’t think the tumour was the cause of PFS.