So what is the LATEST word on trt? TRT plus HCG? I am considering this as my workout routine isnt getting me the results I want. I just want to be careful. Dont want to end up worse off. But i want to increase my quality of life.

Seems like in general TRT either does nothing or makes it worse.

Does this include Progesterone supplementation? What is the general consensus of its use?

That’s not at all true. I couldn’t give you statistics but I’ve read and know of quite a few guys who are doing OK or find it a completely successful treatment.

There are others who have to boost levels up to supra-physiological levels to get benefits also. Admittedly this is not practicable!

Well i will give my body more time. But hopefully in years to come there will be a best course of action, or best treatment approach. So people arent just fumbling around doing random shit to their bodies.

If you know guys who have recovered from PFS via TRT, that’s great! I’d love to read their story. Can you provide a link?

For example?

Enden is a good pal of mine and is using trt successfully. There is another guy on meso who is using trt for fin sides and is now having “problems” with premature ejaculation!!! Sorry I can’t remember his name though!

Dogheat off meso “Mate I’m a pfs guy too and tried 400 mg testosterone which raised my libido. I felt normal the whole time i was on it but you cant do that forever”

So please don’t tell me what can’t be done. This situation is bad enough as it is. I’m learning fast that we are all totally unique and some things work for some and not others!

Review Dr. Crisler’s comments here, as he notes sometimes supraphysiological doses of Testosterone are required to exert an effect in PFS patients:


Thanks Mew. Fits right in with the anecdotes I’ve read!

I can say that trt, 250mg e7, my libido has stabilized. with all the side effects I had and dutasteride has 10 times more side effects than propecia, never really had libido problems. clear on the crash, and about 4 weeks then, I felt even worse when I injected testo. after that I had and have only positive results from it. I also noticed that tamox my body helped implement the exogenous testo better. that is 100% fact, your all haunted by this demon will know that there is no misunderstanding, no confusion or placebo. it helps or not, and THIS ONE helps!

Each one against the injection trt has its own reason and is entitled to act that way. it would be silly not to try it because they believe it would not help …

be strong and vigilant


I remember reading that he cycled testosterone and nandrolone, and was using (probably still is) 100 mg TC E5D + Arimidex as TRT.