TRT with PDE5 inhibitors with long periods of success

I have been on TRT with PDE5 inhibitors for the last 5-6 years. I have noticed that this protocol will minimize most of my symptoms, and I can have a normal sex life. However the protocol seems to only work for 7-10 months. Then I need to go on a break from the medication for 2-3 months, and I can resume this again. Has anyone had a similar experience using TRT and PDE5 inhibitors?

PLEASE DO NOT GIVE ANY INPUT UNLESS YOU HAVE USED TRT AND PDE5 INHIBITORS. I don’t want this post to become derailed. Feel free to PM me if you have outside questions or input. Thank you in advance. :slight_smile:


What is your TRT Dosage? Androgel or Test. Cyp injections?

What PDE 5 inhibitor are you taking?
