TRT? Why?

I’ve been discussing my PFS with a doctor and showed him my hormone levels:

Prolactin 399 mIU/L (0-450)
Testosterone 20.6 nmol/L (9-25)
Free Testosterone 589 pmol/L (215-760)
SHBG 19 nmol/L (15-48)

His suggestion is to do TRT. Can someone explain why TRT would help me? My levels are normal so why would TRT be of any benefit?

Some patients feel better with supraphysiological levels of testosterone, that’s probably why he suggested it. I wouldn’t do it if I had your levels though, better to just wait and use supplements and exercise than mess with hormones I think, and maybe very little cabergoline to lower prolactin a bit. Also, what’s your estradiol, you may need to lower it a bit too if it’s high. I’m not a doctor, this isn’t medical advice, just my opinion.

My estradiol was 108 Pmol/l but I’m not sure how reliable that is because I’ve heard it’s difficult to test.

My Prolactin was 292 mIU/L (0-450) last time I checked. Might be a little high, but I’ve been taking B6.

I agree, I don’t want to mess around with hormone but I’m interested in taking Clomid and using natural testosterone boosters. Maybe cabergoline would be good too, hm.

So your estradiol is normal too. Clomid raises shbg and estradiol as well as testosterone, if I was you I’d start with extremely low doses and see how I feel, like 1/4 tablets twice a week, also cabergoline is extremely potent, I’d take it 1/4 tablets every 2 weeks maybe.

I think I’ll start with Clomid with the B6 and see how i go. Thanks, I’ll report back.

i doubt it will help at all.

Be careful about clomid it is a drug and who knows what damage it will cause to your body.

Dont take drugs.

Why would you take clomid with a perfect testosterone and estradiol level?

ditch the MD see a holistic dr

It won’t help you at all… your doctor has no idea what he’s talking about. When doctors think libido… they automatically think testosterone… it is not accurate.