TRT or "Hang in there"

Hey guys,

I need some advice. My doctor told me that he believes finasteride caused some type of system crash. Why? his not sure yet. My production of cortisol is fine, i’m making extremely low amounts of testosterone and estrogen seems to be converted fine. My LH and FSH are quiet low, though LH has increased slightly but not enough in correspondence to my low T. TSH has also gone through the roof.

My only options are TRT or “Hang in there” as there is a downward trend on my T would it be better for me to begin treatment. I am feeling worse and worse everyday, and aging quickly in my skin.

treat your self with Vit D, that way you can avoid TRT. I am stopped Agel and shifted on Vit D and have been on it for 3 years.

Hey bud. There was a thread on this issue in which Awor asked for peoples experience on testosterone supplementation, and it seems that base don peoples experiences you would be better trying to hang in there. Some get nothing, some stay the same, and unfortunately, some said they feel much worse as a result of supp. testosterone. If you feel you must try something, go light first, maybe try maca. If it were me, I would not go for it. Sorry man.

Be careful …

How low did your levels get?

Thanks for your response Lennon. I don’t see much hope in my case, as there is no light switch to reactivate the the pituarys response to low androgens the bulb has simply blown.

I understand it is complex, but it is not 100% that we will be stuck like this forever. I know it seems hopeless, but, do not fucking lose hope!!! Seriously man, things are changing all the time for us. We have to stick together.

Cheers Lennon. This is a really bad dream.

My Favourite Quotes from Doctors “We assure you it’s all psychosomatic and your levels will not drop anymore” - 2 weeks later hypogonadism.. “Your in your prime mate, you’ll be right, you only took two tablets” “Your symptoms sound like anxiety/depression, I think you should take SSRI’s?” “Your levels are still in range” “There is no way propecia can cause this” " No, no, no, no DHT is not required after Puberty" “DHT is only responsible for shrinking follices in your Hair”. " There is no risks taking propecia, your 21 you should be fine. If you do get sexual sides they will go away within 2 days"
Pituitary Shutdown - Not producing HGH, LH, FSH correctly.

I feel you man. I had the same experience. I had Doctors tell me I was crazy and lying … which is absurd for people who are supposed to be professional. The truth is, these guys cannot help us, but they have too much stupid pride to admit it. Our fate lies in the research of this problem and the advances in medicine. Anything can happen.

This has been a true nightmare which I never could have imagined. Not in a million years. It is truly amazing how fast things can go bad too.

Look man. I know how you feel. I sometimes just feel like I am ready to snap, but the truth is there would be no point. This isnt over by a long shot. I will keep fighting or I will die trying, and I hope you join me in this fight. There will be pain and suffering as you know, but the potential prize at the end is worth it.

I just did a post about how much I love apple cider vinegar. If you have not tried it, go pick up a bottle of Bragg’s and try it. It is $3 and for me, has been a gift from god.

It will be better. Dont give up now.

Well said Lennon!!

it is like a fucking horror movie. Sometimes you feel you are close to be out of the woods, but to find out that you are still trapped. There is no way out of this nightmare. Lets face it, some people here have been suffering for more than 10 years.

yeah, and that is why it is being worked on …

thank you lennon. your posts have been very helpful for me. in fact - after your post about apple cider vinegar, i finally went out and got some. and while i’ve only used it twice so far… i really do feel i’m gleaning some benefit. so thank you. and thanks for being a fighter and inspiring others to do so as well without snapping. its hard. this is the hardest battle i’ve ever fought in my life. but i still have hope.

we’re just a special breed of people that have to cling to hope on a constant basis. and as much as i’ve considered the alternative… i can lose as many friends as i want… people can say whatever they want to say about me… i’m just happy to still have my life. sometimes - when all else fails, you can at least be grateful for that.

i never could have imagined i would be in this position, i am sure none of us could, but we should not give up because the prize at the end is so, so worth the fight … we need to stick together

apple cider vinegar has been one of the absolute most effective things i have tried… when it was first suggested to me i though “oh please, this isnt going to do anything” … i was wrong, plain and simple, and i am so happy … the benefits are not huge, but they are no doubt very noticeable to me … i have no clue why it helps to be honest … i have heard it balances your PH balance and helps to make your body more alkaline, or something to that extent … in any event, it has helped, especially with the crippling insomnia, and i am very happy you tried it, i hope others will at least try it too since it is very cheap and has no risk that i have ever heard of … out of curiosity, what brand did you get? also, is it “unfiltered”?

hang in there man, everyday we get a little closer to some relief, and that cannot be argued

hope it doesn’t take to much longer i look and feel like im dieing.

I’m still trying to really understand how my TSH is high, my lh and fsh is low, my test is low, my growth hormone is almost undetectable,cortisol is mid range, prolactin is mid range, estrogen is mid range. So confusing is it just gondatrophs hormones that aren’t working.

yea i got the bragg’s organic unfiltered stuff. it does seem to give benefits (albeit modest - i’ll ingest whatever i have to for any amount of relief - i think we can all pretty much agree on that)…

and thanks for the words of encouragement. we all need them and its much appreciated.

Anythin that will stop penile tissue from detiorating?

MINIPRESS (PRAZOSIN)… helped several of us.

stop masturbating

how do u take the apple vinegar and at whay qty?