TRT + Arimidex

Just started trt 125mg test-e per week with arimidex.

I took my first shot yesterday but think i may have dosed my arimidex to high .5mg, so gonna wait for my e2 to rebound then go down to .25mg and see how i go, will update yall with progress

Arimidex should only be taken when needed. In other words, a single dose when you feel symptoms of estrogen dominance. 0.5 mg was a good dose for me.

so whats your current protocol, i am currently doing .25 eod but i dont know whether the estro’s staying high or going low… whats the difference between high and low e2…

you gaining muscle and having good libido?

I’m currently not using any AAS. I’ve been experimenting with a lot of steroids over a couple of years, and I’ve had some success. TRT is very difficult to stabilize, but I’ve had periods where the only problem was a soft glans… My record is 3 weeks, if I remember correctly.

TRT alone made the symptoms worse. Arimidex relieved the symptoms, but it’s very potent. If you’re going to use Arimidex daily, you need to increase the testosterone dose (I’m talking about body builder doses), so the estradiol rebounds faster, or else you’ll be left with symptoms of low estradiol. My symptoms were aching joints- and muscles, reduced muscle strength, loss of morning wood, reduced libido and penile sensitivity. Erections were hard to obtain- and maintain, but they were solid for a short time. My symptoms of estrogen dominance were loss of morning wood, reduced libido, weak erections and gynecomastia.

I recommend that you look into TRT + nandrolone. I’ve tried it myself, and it’s something worth experimenting further with.

hey guys i thought i’d check in let you know how its going,

i got to say i’m starting to see some positives effects happening. My strength is starting to increase, appetite has risen, had some pretty decent boners and depression is starting to lift and starting have some better sleep. Arimidex is tricky to dose as you dont want to go to low as the symptoms of high and low are quite similar. The way i differ between the two is - when its high i cannot eat i feel like i have this pressure in my upper abdomen that gives me incredible anxiety, ive had scans of all the organs and theres nothing there.
But from what i have been reading as you get further into your treatment the less arimidex you will need until hopefully you wont have to take it anymore and just be on testosterone because you will hopefully have more lean muscle and less fat. so that aromtize doesnt happen as much.

So anyways i though i would just check in and let those guys that do have low test and are looking to try it that it is good, i mean its better that suffering for the rest of you life.

i will probably be making a few more check in in the next weeks to months just to give you guys some info on progress but after that i dont think i will be visiting this website anymore…



Adex will give you rebound effect, replace to Exemestane

you are using a very high dose of Adex that TRT, if you want to continue with the Adex I recommend using .25 mg every 2 days

hey yall,

I thought id make a post to let you guys know how its going, i gotta say im feeling pretty damn good.
ok so heres the scoop, im currently on 125mg test-e a week i took .25mg arimidex buth honestly i dont think we need arimidex, everytime i take it, it gives me headaches which cant be good and even when i took i still had those really bad digestion issues where food just feels like it sitting at the top of your stomach and not moving, which made me think it cant be all about the testosterone to estrogen ratio ( i mean at 125 mg a week aromatisation is gonna be pretty minimal) and as we know alot of us guys here probably convert to more dht. So this got me thinking what is going on, and i started researching digestive issues and low stomach acid(because thats what it feels like, has anyone noticed they dont have that rumbling in there stomach that crys out for food, i certainly do) anyways i came about this website about causes of low stomach acid. The first thing i noticed was stomach ulcers, and i read down the list of symptoms and was like fuck that is exactly what is how i feel.
So anyways the next day i went to the doctor and they prescribed me nexium which is used in the treating of stomach ulcers(as i know its meant to reduce stomach acid, which in our case is not what we want to do because we’ve got the oposite problem) so this shit caused crazy bloating anyways i stopped taking it looked for alternative methods, this is when i came across manuka honey which is a known natural remedy for stomach ulcers…
The website says to take a table spoon of this stuff half an hour before a meal 3 times a day, so as it said i did, and for the first time in over a year, No panic attacks after eating, no bloating, the feeling of amino acids and carbs entering the blood stream and a more of a relaxed feeling.
lately i have been getting more and more hungry and i can actually here my stomach rumbling and gurgling. Also as i write this i am drinking beer for which i havent been able to comfortably enjoy in over a year.

Anyways ill will continue to keep you updated within the next couple of weeks, just out of consideration for you guys as its not nice to see people suffer even though i hate this website and what it represents.

And if you are seeking manuka honey for the guys overseas it might be a bit more difficult as it is only cultivated in australia and new zealand.

oh and just to save the confusion, i’m taking this honey while still on trt…

hey guys thought make another update.
Ok so heres what i’m doing-
125mg Test-E per week
ZMA tablet in the morning
ZMA and multivitamin at night

I also try and eat healthy as possible but not overboard and Avoid gluten (but not crazy strict)

Ok now for the verdict, i got to say i’m feeling pretty good. I stopped taking the honey for the mean time cause i dont think its absolutely necessary (may have helped but who knows).
It wasnt until i added the ZMA tablet did things start to feel a bit better, if you look up how essential magnesium is for the human body, it helps to reactivate enzymes in the body and also helps with zinc regulation. Our bodies are probably depleted from it. You can do the research yourself if you have a look at magnesiums affects on erectile disfunction on livestrong website.

Guys with low test should look and treating it as it can lead to a short life. I read through the water fast thing that CDnuts recommended and couldn’t believe what i was reading, not is it only super dangerous for people in a vunerable state like you guys to be doing a water fast (you could be flushing all the essential nutrients and electrolytes from your body) anyways all the best

ok so, yesterday after feeling great all day i decided to try my luck at some alchohol. Had a beer and had no bloating or digestion upset, i thought great i can drink alcohol again. As i lay on the bed about two beers in, i felt this electrical pulse go from my brain down to my penis and all of a sudden my muscles felt loose(not in the good way like after a massage) but like the electrical pulses from my brain to my muscles just shortcutted. THis was met by in immediate feeling of absolute shitness. I had a panic attack and was feeling very lethargic.

It makes me think that this isnt hormonal related, but then again when i have a bad tired day im like ahh im so tired i need to try TEST again.

I think i will probably go off test for the time being, i will speak to my doctors see where my levels are at, if they are quite low i will stay on it and try to work on improving my brain function and nerves.

This is so frustating