TRT and Natrural Treatments are healing my body

ESATTO, fratello.

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Unfortunately I have to see that it’s all true. A guy over here privately recommended vitamin D and totally destroyed me. And the guy still continues to advise her.


I think most users are just depressed and with ED, in fact they have sex and even physical activity! I agree with you. I can’t do NOTHING like that. This condition has made me totally disabled.

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Hey Adrian,

I have a website detailing recovery stages, my story, charting progress made, how to begin program, my program and meditation.

I post a lot in the comments sections on you tube videos PFS related with links to my site.

I asked the mods if i could put a link to my site but they want all the info on one forum which makes sense.

Cool, got it.

If you have already taken a T shot, why not start doing my program for a week or 2 and see if it has any effect on your body.

Try daily hot baths for about 30 mins at least and try and do 1 hour of breathing exercises before you sleep.

You can also add some exercise, try walking for 45mins at first for a week and then move up to gentle cardio. Do not exert your body too much as it is in a weakened state and this will stop your progress.

Also reduce ejaculations to 1 or 2 times per month.

This program is all about trying to relax your body and get good sleep at night.

Try it out for a while and see if you feel better.

When you say you crashed hard on tribulus terrestris, can you describe exactly what that means.

For example, when i had my major endocrine crashes, I experienced a major anxiety attack for about 45mins where i was struggling to breathe, followed by severe depression for about 72 hours.

I also experienced a lot of physical pain and tightness around my head due to all the stress.

These were very bad and extreme, were your crashes the same?

I felt a big hurt in my penis. My penis become smaller (like never before), my joints hurt, my fatigue extreme. My brainfog and my vision problem killing me. I can forget the road to my home.

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Why not try a Testosterone shot and then start daily hot baths with meditation.

This will be easy for your body, not too much strain.

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Hello, did your semen volume increased? Orgasm intensity? And how about your erection size and hardness, girth/length? Penis sensivity?
How would you rate them % in contrary to your pre-pfs baseline? @tigerbloodforever


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At least 80 %, i do not ejaculate regularly, once every 2 weeks or so.
If i ejaculated every day, my semen volume would go down. I am not fully recovered, it is a very slow process but i am getting better.

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Thanks a lot man. May i ask did you also have the hourglass shape when flaccid or erect? Did it go away?

Im scared if i have scar tissue damage on my penis. A lot of people say it do recover with HRT though, so i guess it is hormonal rather than physical damage. @tigerbloodforever

No the shape for me is still the same. You have to remember that the erections that we are getting now after all the issues are not 100% full strength so the shape will be a little different. I had lots of different shapes along the way as the erection strength started to improve from 0. .

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