Tribulus Terrestris may boost androgen levels, nitric oxide release

Any known side effects?

I’ve used this for a few months. Took a while to notice anything, but I am sure it has increased the number of morning erections and improved libido.

I think this supplement can really vary in quality between brands, so it’s probably worth trying some different types.

Only side effect has been more body hair on my chest and arms.


morningwood, more libido, more load


bad wood

don’t know if it’s from too much estradiol, i also came quicker on this supplement probably due to impacting the prostate somehow

as a lh stimulant, 5 days on 2 days off

combine with:
tongkat ali for more free test, also cycle

perhaps if it increases estradiol too much (read up study on tribestan) use dim along with it, or calcium d glucarate or chrysin… there are combined products, read a lot good stuff about nitro t3

anyone can test drive this?

bad wood?

Very interesting read on one of the hairloss forums. Look at his testoterone increase!! Has anyone tried this specific supp? … adid=63742

Don’t think it was the tribulus

And there will be multiple others links which will tell you that Trib does raise Testo levels, but only in men who are deficient to start with. Thus its not popular in the BB world, but it does seem to work for Hypogondal folks.

Don’t think I’ve ever seen a study done on male people showing any appreciable change in testosterone.
There are lots of other products that DO work, so why waste your time with this stuff?

Ive tried Vitrix which is made from tribuls… DIDNT notice anything regarding sex drive improvement… It did boost my T levels but also made my hair fall and oily skin… Not worth the money ZMA better but still doesnt do miracles

I’m on tribulus and ZMA at the same time.

How are those supplements working for you Joe?

don’t take them anymore, ZMA was good though and I will start taking it once again. I have layed off all supplements, ditched the very careful diet and it’s not made me feel any worse. I am just going to try and carry on living as usual with a more careful diet, and follow things up with my GP, I can’t see anything else being effective

how long did u tak tribulus? and did u see any negative effect from it?

I don’t think there were any negative side effects, no. I am going to give it another cycle because I only took it for about 4 days, I am going to take a high dose too.

I’m thinking of trying the broccoli diet, in combination with Tribulus/ L-Arginine/ and Melatonin for my sleep.

I think you should try one thing at a time so that can make clear conclusions. while taking bunch you don’t know what is doing what.


Ive got tribulus and ive taken it for short time spans i think it helped my libido but never commited to it to really find out for sure.

Im thinking of trying it again, seriously, as there appears to be some good feedback on it.

My only reservations are the notes on estrogen increases, - mine is already above range, should i avoid it then? Ive read contrasting information here - one site tells me that in event of high estrgen tribulus will actually help normalise it.

Secondly, it increases LH levels. Since i appear to have low FSH already would this be a risk?

any help would be great

i’ve bought a tribulus terrestris supplement, and it’s written on its box it contains steroidal saponins. Now i don’t know what they are but that adjective “steroidal” doesn’t sound good to me. Is finding steroidal saponins normal in tribulus terrestris or should i take it back to the shop?

Tribulus Alatus is supposed to be superior to Tribulus Terrestris, for boosting testosterone.

Anyone tried it?

The conclusion from the study states:
The alcoholic extracts of both parts of Tribulus Alatus produced a significant increase in the level of free serum testosterone at dose 50 mg/Kg body weight.

What is the difference?
stems,roots or flowers?
difference of species?