Tribulus Terrestris gave me full blown PFS

This is why you crashed. “98% saponins” Saponins are potent anti-androgens. You got scammed. You should look for tribulus with at least 50% protodioscin content, the chronicle that supposedly gives people improvements to PFS.

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Yes @Zonz i’ve learned that it contained beta-sitosterol (less potent 5ari than finasteride) Its like i’ve taken some saw palmetto on top of my mild pfs
Do you think thats it?

Yea exaclty. If you want to take tribulus make sure its Vemoherb or Mediherb, others are just bad.

I’ve done research myself on that @RipLife but i’m eager to know your opinion whats the mechanism of a “bad trib”? Regarding my blood results what do you suspect contained and caused my crash?

Beta sitosterol most likely. I started Vemoherb tribulus yesterday, will do 7 days of it and see what will hapen.

May God help you with trib!

I don’t care. Either i fix this or i suicide. There is no third option brother :slight_smile: Also i’m starting to take ashwagandha. Besides that i eat mostly vegan. I was at really good state few weeks ago, but now i have testicles pain again. Idk what’s happening in my body. I feel perfect except ED and no libido.

Imo stay away from any supps!

I stayed away from sups whole one year… Nothing changed. I can stay impotent and let my life pass me by, or start trying to fix this shit.

How old are youif i may ask?

27 yo

Young age indeed. Well i wish you more than luck with the experiments. If i could go back in time to post-fin crash, i wish i just stayed at baseline pfs forever, with not taking 2 damn pills of trib, i could happily lived like that (im 34)

No regretzz :smile: Best years of my life passing by. All my friends have kids and good relationships, while I can’t even fap like a normal human :smiley: Pfs is bad at w/e age you get it, 34 years is pretty young as well.

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I know. I shouldnt have taken those 2 pills of trib, i was quickly recovering from my fin crash, i just wanted to boost my sexual side too early, at day 45 of my fin crash.

Yea last 4 months i prepared my body with amazing diet. Its time to try something that will push me up. :slight_smile:

Saponins are not antiandrogens. Betasisterol is not a saponin. Protodioscin is a saponin and is a potent pro-androgen that increases the amount of the immune response of the androgen receptor. A tribulus with 98% steroidal saponins is less likely to contain betasisterol than one with 50%, simply because betasisterol is not a saponin. Saponins are not antiandrogens.

Read here:


I guess the beta-sitosterol is found only in certain parts of the tribulus plant, in the lower quality products - which we obviously consumed - these harmful phytoestrogen parts are not filtered out

Which foods dont contain 5a reductase inhibitors?

Your question suggests that many do. But no offense, havent heard of many that would stop male pattern baldness. I’ve learned though about a handful foods which us with pfs should avoid

Can you send me a link? I found a list of 5a inhibitors at wikipedia and a lot of these substances are naturally occurring in many many plants and oils. Which foods should pfs patients avoid?