Tribulus experince

still here. still fighting

i took Trib for a couple days. a very very low dose of a high potency sup.

this one

i took maybe 1/20th (yes twentieth) of the capsule as im super insane sensitive to meds. well even at that incredibly low dose i noticed a difference. i def had more energy and my skin tightened up. helped my inflammation (i think skin is loose cause of infammation) i could feel my muscles again and i didnt feel like jelly for the first time in a while. i looked fantastic. orgasms were slightly better BUT my penis shrank a tiny bit. not as full and harder to keep erect. id did make me feel weird tho. more derealized/racing thoughts. and HOLY FUCK the insomnia! literally couldnt sleep. two days in a row. even with my zoplicone. i felt so wired beyond anything iver ever felt. it seemed to get more powerful at night. and my body temp was really HOT. even tried to sleep on my roof cause i dont have a/c. last night was horrible and torturous so i havnt taken it today. i feel so spaced out/depressed/derealized and now my bloating/inflammation is back like crazy :frowning: suuuuuucccckkksss. hope i sleep tonight. what a constant battle this is.

i may visit it again. at an even smaller microdose. and as weird as it sounds i would take it at night after my zoplicone.

i did notice a difference but like everything else, it only made me feel worse.

id love to isolate the anti inflammatory properties. its the only thing that tightened up my muscles and killed my bloating to a dramatic effect. wish it didnt have the nasty sides :frowning:

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Yeah it can definitely give you insomnia it personally gave me sleep apnea more recently on the third cycle. Just take a break from it all together and wait to go back to baseline.

Also try not taking other meds with it, it may be causing interactions which is not what you want.

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DO NOT take tribulus if you struggle with hppd/derealization. it has exploded my symptoms. i am in hell

I don’t know if is fault of Tribulus, but I’ve tried it wit NAC, last month and I have dry skin, and alteration in hair texture. Never had before. It’s strange, because I took only 700mg cycling 1 week on and one week off…