Treatment Protocol From Studies???

Does anyone have any clue whether or not a treatment protocol will be formed based off of the completed studies?

Sorry if this has been answered already. I seriously feel as I am getting worse in many areas.

I’m not sure how many of us are suicidal, but for those of us that are, knowing that these studies would lead to an initial treatment protocol would be a big boost to continue living.



I PMd a guy today that lives in Massachusetts. I asked him if he participated in the research - he’s in the same freaking state. His response indicated that he had no desire to participate. So a guy like this, suffering so badly, will never get a cure because morons like Bizbee33 can’t bother to participate in research that is IN THEIR OWN GODDAMN STATE. Again - I will reiterate what I wrote before - Merck is liable for most of this, but some the suffering, especially after the research at Harvard/Baylor falls apart because of lack of participants…that falls on BizBee33 and other selfish motherfuckers.

I know a doctor from one of the studies was prescribing Cialis as a potential treatment, not simply as an erection aid but to induce androgen receptors I think.

But this is my concern with research studies. Yes they are the best way to understand to root dysfunction, but they are very slow to translate that into a form of actually practical treatment. I realise they need to be careful - but for us with our life put on hold it’s incredibily frustrating.

Ultimately what I’d suggest is to extract the information yourself and experiment yourself on how to solve it.

Dr. Seuss:

“this mess is so big
And so deep and so tall,
We cannot pick it up.
There is no way at all!”

You need to go to the studies. No one here is going to figure this shit out on their own. All I find here are half baked survival bullshit. That’s fine if it gets you through another day but FUCK! If they can’t even get through one study because of lack of participation we are accepting this fate.

I am new here on this site . Ed pills just stopped working for me . I cannot see living this way the rear of my life . I will gladly be in any study to help find a treatment