Treatment - LH,FSH,Triptorelin

Day 4 - sexual performance increased, cognitive function improved, aggression getting quiet high.

This effect is temporary friend your testosterena endogenous going away.

He is correct. I wish you well but this same protocol failed to help me.

Pretty sure I’m the only one on the forum to try that combo. Look that’s your experience, my balls are coming back, my sex drive is through the roof, my skin looks youthful again and I feel no brain fog. Why does everyone think you cant beat this…

Who knows I could go back to shit but I’m seeing major improvements.

I’m over theories etc my drs think they know what’s going on and my treatments working at the moment.

Day 5 - Increase in Testicular Size, Feeling Vital, Increase in Energy, Fatigue majorly decreased, Anxiety decreased, Mental Clarity, Aggression increase.

The hair is associated with increased DHT. you drop the hair?

My Hairloss wasn’t bad previously to taking finasteride just slightly receeding. It only started shedding for months after stopping finasteride. It seems to have stabalized now, but no major hairloss.

What are your dosages? For each.

Not entirely sure as there in the one vial the cycle runs 0.5 ml x 10 days LH, FSH and triptorelin( could be wrong 1 mcg per shot)

I tried the prog cream but felt some sensations in chest area. Backed off for the time being. I did have more feeling down there but nothing like pre-fin. Mind you, I havent tried both products together like you.

It’s working well for me so far. I’m feeling pre-fin at the moment, my skin looks great, sexually still recoverying. But major improvements sexually especially libido and morning wood.

Interesting! Keep us updated and good luck!

No problems.

Day 6 - Increased testicular size, cognitive function, good mood.

Hoping for better errectile function.

Looking forward to seeing blood work and hoping this continues after ceasing.

have any body researched Triptorelin ?
By causing constant stimulation of the pituitary, it decreases pituitary secretion of gonadotropins luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH).
In men a reduction of serum testosterone levels into the range normally seen after surgical castration occurs approximately two to four weeks after initiation of therapy

I hope your dr knows what he is doing.

Low doses stimulate production

Yes, trip isn’t something to play with. I used one dose while running HMG and HcG…

So far so good, hoping it lasts and is a resolution to this.

what were your testosterone levels prior to this protocol?

… and what type of doctors made up this treatment? and can you give any insight as to what they think is going on and why they would prescribe this?

My levels where between 210 - 300 free test and
Bioavaliable 11 - 16. My dr made it for me I’m using it and it’s working what else do I have to say?