Trazohell is gone


unfortunately I have to inform you that my friend and your member “Trazohell” (aka Henning) committed suicide 4 days ago.
I have been a good friend of his in real life and know that he was registered here because I was beside his girlfriend the only one he talked about with his problems after antidepressants. Even though we all noticed that he wasn’t well anymore, we are stunned that he finally decided that way. Lately he was experimenting a lot, taking TRT and various nootropics to cure his condition. I think the failure of his hormone and brain repair theory combined with an unsuccessful program called DTC (?) gave him a sense of deep hopelessness. Before that, he had already witnessed the suicide of three others affected by trazodone, two of them also from germany.
I myself cannot judge the hell they all go through, I am one of the lucky ones who can go on and off antidepressants and also neuroleptics like candy, but I’ve known this guy for over 10 years now and I can say that he was never the same again since he went into that psych ward back in 2017. This was beyond depression. Wrong world, he was just 27 years old.
Well, I just wanted to be fair and inform you…

Greetings and rest in peace Henning

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Thankyou very much for coming here to tell us about your friend. To you, his family and girlfriend I am sorry for your loss.


I can’t even believe this. I have talked to him via pm, a very nice guy who could’ve contributed so much goodness to this world. He even got some good response using ultrahard, i don’t understand how can he even take this step !! And he took this trazodone only for 11 days !! What a cruel world this is. Atleast he could’ve reache out to us. We all love u @Trazohell. Peace to u.

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I’m so sorry to hear about your loss. Please pass on our best regards to his family and girlfriend also, and take care of yourselves.

Another senseless and completely avoidable loss of life.


That’s really sad to hear.
My condolences.
I never met him personally, but I’m sure he is thanking your support and friendship on the heaven. You are a good friend.

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My condolences.

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Thank you very much for coming here to notify us. Tragic news and we’re so sorry for your loss.

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My condolences, all the best to you and his loved ones in this time of mourning. He deserves justice.

Just terrible news, another young life wasted. I’m so sorry for your loss. May he be at peace

Very sad about this. He worked hard to find a solution. Tragic that there isn’t one until further research performed. All the Internet forum false hope around, in things like TRT, can really set people up for unbearable disappointment and psychological trauma.

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Mein Beileid an die Familie und die Freunde…

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Terrible, may he Rest In Peace.

Jesus christ. Rest in peace. I knew him and talked with him, oh why…

Very sorry to read this.

Can I add that I also know someone who I believe took their own life after Trazodone. They were badly hit by Accutane, then prescribed Trazodone. The chap developed penile pain after taking Trazodone and couldn’t get rid of it. Very sad.

I would exercise extreme caution with any medication.