My first post to the message board. Short background: Took fin for 2 years. At the end of 2 years my sex drive started to fall off. I stopped taking the fin and it was like a spark in me went out. Before that day I had never taken an ED drug. Since that day I have had to use ED drugs almost exclusively to have sex. It has been about 2 1/2 years now since I stopped fin.
Like everyone else on this board my bathroom cabinet is full of all kinds of stuff that I have tried to get my sex drive back. Most of it hasn’t been too helpful. There is one thing that I would like to share with the board though. Last year my doctor prescribed Trazodone for sleep. It is an older (not SSRI) anti-depressant that is often prescribed for sleep. I started out at a very low dose (25 mg) which the prescription stated could be increased to 150 mg as req’d. I stayed at 25 mg. About a 1/2 hour after the 2nd dose (on second day of use) I got a very strong erection. My sex drive improved tremedously, and I had basically a normal sex drive and did not need ED drugs for about the next 3 months. Then as bad luck would have it I seemed to develop a tolerance to it and it quit working. Last fall I quit taking it. Then after about 4 months off it I tried it again and my sex drive improved for about 10 days and then nothing. In order to try to prevent tolerance I am currently taking 25mg twice a week (Thursday and Friday) to get my libido up for the weekend. It helps alot. I get some good nighttime erections, but still need ED drugs to have sex. I would recommend it to anyone for at least a try. It is cheap. I got 90 100mg pills for $5 from my HMO. It does make me a little fuzzy the next day but not too bad for an anti-depressant. It also helps me sleep.
I have seen several posts on this board by people who stated that they were taking Valium due to the anxiety of this condition. Valium has well known ED side effects. Try Trazodone instead.
I was thinking trying to platoon Trazadone with another drug that had increased libido side effect. Saw in this link that Aricept can in some instances increase libido. Has anyone tried it? … 02711.html
I also saw that someone had used Adderall with some luck. Maybe I will try that. I am also convinced that this is a neurotransmitter issue. My guess is that the Trazadone is stimulating some part of the brain that the fin damaged.
Anyone else have a recommendation for a drug that has a libido increasing side effect? Thanks.