If you want a quick way to get to the healing visit a sensory deprivation tank, it’s a short cut to get you into healing. I did it the other week but found that I had memory issues the next day so I need to look into this. i did also feel happy and relaxed better than I had been in some time but the memory loss put me off from going back.
By absorbing the epsom salts in the tank it should drive up magnesium levels and also your testosterone levels. So it depends how sensitive you are to this. One idea I had was to take something that lowers testosterone using the same mechanism that magnesium does so you get more of a balance. The last time something game me memory loss was an infrared light on my front cortex so I’m wondering if they act in the same part of the brain.
I’ve downloaded that app, thanks. Do you use free or premium?
During meditation for 30mins sometimes fears are revealed. This can also happen in the tank. In any case it makes me realise how we hold onto fears in the brain without really realising and these fears may be impacting on our sleep.
This video is good https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ESL2xeH5Ol4&pbjreload=10 he talks about using the correct therapy for the part of the brain that causes our anxiety or depression. He also suffers from depression and anxiety so probably has a good understanding of these things. But insomnia probably creates some fears in our brain that we might be unaware of but we need to work out.
“From what I gather, once you understand the purpose of the mantra and how to develop one that works, you have learned all there is and you then just need to practice.” are you able to explain more about this or post a link. I’ve seen mantras linked to age but didn’t think much of it. I was given my own mantra.
Have you tried Iris blue light blocker software?